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定 价:¥25.00

作 者: 毛士国,唐永华 编
出版社: 百家出版社
标 签: 考研英语


ISBN: 9787807031468 出版时间: 2004-08-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 小16开 页数: 234 字数:  






Unit One
Passage A Making Energy Clean,Safe,and Affordable
Passage B Back to the Future
Passage C Seeing Green
Unit Two
Passage A How Progress Makes Us Sick
Passage B Investing in the Rural Poor
Passage C The hallenge We Face
Unit Three
Passage A How to Grow Old
Passage B “Much Madness is Divinest Sense”
Passage C Early Warnings
Unit Four
Passage A Saved By Strangers
Passage B “I'm Not Letting You Go,Dad”
Passage C No Time To Panic
Unit Five
Passage A Genetically Engineered Secret Ingredients
Passage B Health Alert:New Facts About Food Poisoning
Passage C Six Critical Symptoms Patients Overlook
Unit Six
Passage A The Chess Goddess
Passage B On the Path to Everest
Passage C Glory in the Afternoon
Unit Seven
Passage A Buckingham Palace:Symbol of Strength and TRADITION
Passage B Battle of Gettysburg
Passage C 1796:The First Real Election
Unit Eight
Passage A Nestle's Quisk
Passage B Never Say Never
Passage C Rudolph Ran and World Went Wild
Unit Nine
Passage A Paying to Keep Your Job
Passage B New Financial Narkets
Passage C What Supermarkets Know About You
Unit Ten
Passage A Going Mobile
Passage B Dolly,You're History
Passage C Digital Cities
