一、雅思基础 TOPIC词汇系列
TOPIC l:Condition(条件)
TOPIC 2:Changes(变化)
TOPIC 3:Obligation&option(责任或选择)
TOPIC 4:Joining/becoming part of something bigger(加人、联盟)
TOPIC 5:Reason&result(原因、结果)
TOPIC 6:Generalizations&specifics(一般和特殊)
TOPIC 7:Focusing attention(焦点)
TOPIC 8:Opinion,attitude&belief(态度)
TOPIC 9:Stopping something(停止)
TOPIC 10:Time(时间)
TOPIC 11:Objects&actions(物体活动)
TOPIC 12:Likes&dislikes(喜欢或不喜欢)
TOPIC 13:Success&failure(成功或失败)
TOPIC 14:Ownership,giving,lending&borrowing(所有权、赠与、出租、借款).
TOPIC 15:Groups(组群)
TOPIC 16:Size,quantity&dimension(大小、数量和尺寸)
TOPIC 17:Emphasis&misunderstanding(强调或误解)
TOPIC 18:Addition,equation&conclusion(增力n、相同或结论)
TOPIC 19:Describing&analyzing tables(图表分析)
二、雅思专用 TOPIC词汇系列
TOPIC 1:Education(教育)
TOPIC 2:Media(媒体)
TOPIC 3:Work(工作)
TOPIC 4:Money&finance(货币和金融)
TOPIC 5:Politics(政治)
TOPIC 6:The environment(环境)
TOPIC 7:Healthcare(健康护理)
TOPIC 8:Travel(旅游)
TOPIC 9:Crime and the law(犯罪和法律)
TOPIC 10:Social tensions(社会压力)
TOPIC 11:Science&technology(科学技术)
TOPIC 12:Food and diet(食物)
TOPIC 13:Family(家庭)
TOPIC 14:The art(艺术)
TOPIC 15:Town and country(乡镇和城市)……
TOPlC 16:Architecture(建筑)……………………
TOPIC 17:Men and women(男人和女人)………
TOPlC 18:Geography(地理)……………………
TOPIC 19:G10bal probIems(全球问题)…………
Test 1 : Article (冠词)
Test 2: Phrasal verbs with "check"
Test 3: Countable and uncountable nouns
Test 4 : Phrasal verbs with "come"
Test 5 : Do, make or take
Test 6 : Phrasal verbs with "do"
Test 7 : Phrasal verbs with " give"
Test 8 : Phrasal verbs with "go"
Test 9 : Phrasal verbs with "hang"
Test 10: Phrasal verbs with "look"
Test I1 : Phrasal verbs with "put"
Test 12 : Phrasal verbs with "set"
Test 13 : Phrasal verbs with " stand"
Test 14: Phrasal verbs with "take"
Test 15 : Prepositions
Test 16: Linking words
Test 17 : Irregular verbs
Test 18 : Antonyms
Test 19: Choose the correct verb
Test 20: Forming adjectives
Test 21 : Forming nouns
Test 22 : Collocations
Test 23 : Idioms
Test 24 : Idioms with "far"
Test 25 : Odd one out
Test 26 : Prefixes
Test 27 : Related words
Test 28 : Suffixes
Test 29 : Synonyms
Test 30: Blank filling
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3