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定 价:¥19.80

作 者: 张民和 主编
出版社: 机械工业出版社
标 签: 普及性英语学习 英语与其他外语 演讲 演讲与口才

ISBN: 9787111150879 出版时间: 2004-08-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 小16开 页数: 182 字数:  




  张民和,1962年出生,汉族,陕西省西安市人。西安思源学院外语系系主任兼外语考古室主任,学科带头人。在工作中,他敢于改革和创新,为西安思源学院的外语教学创出了一条卓有成效的新路子。在教学方面,他采取了一系列改革措施,从根本上改变了原先陈旧的教学模式。在提高学生学习质量方面,他极力主张以挖掘学生最大知识潜力为核心进行教学改革。在2004年5月底由陕西省13个部委局主办的“汉斯杯”陕西省首届大学生才艺大奖赛英文讲演赛及英文辩论赛中,西安思源学院分别获得讲演赛辩论赛的冠军,并在讲演赛的前15名中有6名来自西安思源学院,辩论赛前四名中,前两名来自西安思源学院。除编写实用英语教材《英语基础》、《英语演讲》外,他还同外籍教师Andrew Best 及Michael Voth共同编写了一套《英语口语与文化》教材。


Unit 1. My Impression of Our University
Unit 2. Life in a Big City
Unit 3. An Introduction to Xi'' an
Unit 4. My Favorite Activities
Unit 5. My Impression of Foreign Teachers
Unit 6. Chinese Lunar New Year
Unit 7. My View on Games
Unit 8. Chinese Parents Are the Most Difficult Ones in the World
Unit 9. The Benefits of Computers in Education
Unit 10. Social Activities on Campus
Unit 11. Is Going to College the Only Option
Unit 12. My View on Private Universities in China
Unit 13. Causes of Failure in Study
Unit 14. Scores Are not the Only Criteria for Good Students
Unit 15. Country Life and City Life
Unit 16. My View on Television Advertisements
Unit 17. Is It Necessary for People to Tell Lies Sometimes
Unit 18. Can Success Be Measured in Terms of Money Alone
Unit 19. Traffic Jams in Big Cities
Unit 20. The Goals in Your Life
Unit 21. My View on Opportunity
Unit 22. Good Health
Unit 23. Success
Unit 24. On the Force of Habits
Unit 25. On the Importance of Self-Confidence
Unit 26. Honesty
Unit 27. Rising Early
Unit 28. On Reading Good Books
Unit 29. The Profession I Would Like to Follow
Unit 30. Degrees Have Become a Prerequisite for Work
Unit 31. The Right Use of Money
Unit 32. How to Succeed in a Job interview
Unit 33. Environment Changes Our Lives
Unit 34. Smoking Is Harmful to People''s Health
Unit 35. Love on the Intemet
Unit 36. If I were a Chinese Official
Unit 37. Corruption: a Disaster to the Whole World
Unit 38. Keeping Pets
Unit 39. Private Cars Should Be Limited
Unit 40. Can Computers Take the Plaee of Human Brains
Unit 41. The Development of Tourism and Environment Protection
Unit 42. On Love
Unit 43. Mom, I Love You!
Unit 44. If I Were Looked Down Upon
Unit 45. Job Problems for College Graduates
Unit 46. Cooperation and Competition
Unit 47. A Smile to Life
Unit 48. Painful Experiences Will Create a Better Life
Unit 49. Is Failure a Bad Thing
Unit 50. Children and Television
Unit 51. On Choosing a Career
Unit 52. Calligraphy
Unit 53. Eating and Reading
Unit 54. Mobile Phones: a Love-Hate Relationship
Unit 55. Friendship
Unit 56. Are Human Qualities Inherited or Acquired after Birth
Unit 57. Mountain Climbing
Unit 58. Real Love
Unit 59. The Change of Conception of Family
Unit 60. Part-time Job: Good or Bad for University Students
Unit 61. Quality Education
Unit 62. College Students Should Be Allowed to Skip Classes
Unit 63. My View on the Reform of Higher Education in China
Unit 64. About Faster and More Effective Reading
Unit 65. The Advantages of Temporary Jobs for Students
Unit 66. Studying Abroad
Unit 67. On Examinations
Unit 68. The Importance of Good Education
Unit 69. The Pros and Cons of Dormitory life
Unit 70. Surfing on Intemet
Unit 71. Window Shopping
Unit 72. No Advertisements
Unit 73. Water and Man
Unit 74. Women Shouldn''t Be Neglected
Unit 75. Fake Commodities
Unit 76. Does Money Mean Success
Unit 77. How to Prepare for an Interview
Unit 78. No More Video Games
Unit 79. Discontent Is the First Necessity of Progress
Unit 80. The Challenges for Chinese College Students in Finding Jobs
Unit 81. How to Get Along with Roommates on Campus
Unit 82. Is It Easy to Learn a New Language
Unit 83. The Importance of Keeping Zoos
Unit 84. The Advantages of College Students'' Going into Business
Unit 85. When Your Boss Is Brutal
Unit 86. The Effect of Ending Job-Assignment Policy
Unit 87. Human Nature Is Greedy
Unit 88. Beauty Is in the Eyes of the Beholder
Unit 89. If I Have Several Make-up Exams
附录 英文辩论赛及讲演赛安排与规则
