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定 价:¥22.60

作 者: 余宝珠 主编
出版社: 西北工业大学出版社
标 签: 英语阅读

ISBN: 9787561220498 出版时间: 2006-03-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 小16开 页数: 221 字数:  






unit 1
text a etiquette today
text b hollywood
text c learn proper bitish behaviours
unit 2
text a the youngest paitnet in the world
text b honolulu
text c (1)wives
(2)the restaurant was full of diners now
unit 3
text a reading skills Ⅰ:get rid of bad reading habits
text b robinson cruson
text c (1)daniel defoe
(2)he got the job
unit 4
text a making adjustments
text b the united natons
test c the titanic is sinking again
unit 5
text a parties
text b an empire founded on a moues-disneyland and disney world
text c (1)the value of time
unit 6
text a elizabeth Ⅱ
text b the statue of liberty
text c (1)a broken finger
(2)not necessary of answer
unit 7
text a the colonel:a modern success story
text b noise pollution
text c (1)the day that changed my life
(2)how we had all met
untt 8
text a reading skills Ⅱ:skimming
text b bill gates'11 rules
text c an e-mail
unit 9
text a a story of blue beads
text b reading with comprehension
text c christmas
unit 10
text a the modern wonder of electronics
text b bronte sisters and their brother
texb c charlotte bronte:authoress of jane eyre
unit 11
unit 12
unit 13
unit 14
unit 15
unit 16
