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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术农业科学农业工程国际农业工程大会论文摘要集(上下册 英文版)

国际农业工程大会论文摘要集(上下册 英文版)

国际农业工程大会论文摘要集(上下册 英文版)

定 价:¥180.00

作 者: 学术委员会 编
出版社: 中国农业科学技术出版社
标 签: 农业基础科学


ISBN: 9787801677075 出版时间: 2004-10-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 大16开 页数: 字数:  




暂缺《国际农业工程大会论文摘要集(上下册 英文版)》作者简介


Session I Land and Water Management
Part 1 Water Saving and Water Productivity
Part 2 Land Use Planning and Management
Part 3 Soil Erosing and Conservation
Part 4 Water Conservation and Soil Management
Part 5 Salinity,Water Treatment and Reuse,and Contamination Control
Session II Bioproducts Processing and Food Safety
Part 1 Physical Propertise
Part 2 Sensors and Sensing Technology
Part 3 Process Modeling,Simulation and Control
Part 4 Thermal Processing,Chilling and Freezing
Part 5 Dehydration Processes
Part 6 Separation Processes
Part 7 Separation Processes
Part 8 Packaging
Part 9 Emerging Processing Technologies
Part 10 Biotechnology
Part 11 Biotechnology
Part 12 Waste Treatment and Management
Part 13 Processing Equipment
Part 14 General Technology and Information
Session III Information Texhnology for Agriculture
Part 1 ICT for Agriculture
Part 2 Smart Technology
Part 3 KIS/DSS
Part 4 Precision Agriculture
Part 5 Sensing
Session IV Conservation Tillage and Sustainable Small Farming
Session V Modern Agricultural Equipment and Facilities
Forum Ag BiosysEng Discipline and Education Development Strategy
