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定 价:¥15.00

作 者: 周吉、陈媛媛
出版社: 湖北人民出版社
标 签: 高中英语


ISBN: 9787216043960 出版时间: 2005-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32开 页数: 268 字数:  






UNIT1 Success
Sample 1 Winners
Sample 2 How to Achieve Success
Sample 3 On the Way to Success)
Sample 4 Luck Also Counts
Sample 5 Do Lucky Numbers Really Bring Good Luck?
UNIT 2 Time & Money
Sample 1 The Value of Time
Sample 2 Don"t Waste Time
Sample 3 How Important Is Money?
Sample 4 What Is Money For?
UNIT 3 Failure & Growth
Sample 1 Facing Frustration
Sample 2 Wonderful Failure(7)
Sample 3 Failure
Sample 4 Just to Try
Sample 5 Pain and Growth
UNIT 4 Golden Advice
Sample 1 Be Brave to Make Decisions
Sample 2 Another Door
Sample 3 Living in the Present
Sample 4 Where There Is a Will, There Is a Way
UNIT 5 Education & Learning
Sample 1 Going Abroad to Study
Sample 2 How to Learn with Success
Sample 3 The Importance of Education
Sample 4 English and I
Sample 5 No Books in the Future?
UNIT 6 Competition & Cooperation
Sample 1 The Importance of Cooperation
Sample 2 Competition
Sample 3 My View on Competition and Cooperation
Sample 4 What Has Competition Brought to Me?

UNIT 7 Life & Happiness
Sample 1 A Simple Truth about Happiness
Sample 2 My Idea of a Happy Life
Sample 3 What Makes Life Worthwhile?
Sample 4 Life Is to Be Whole
Sample 5 My Idea of Beauty
UNIT 8 Love & Friendship
Sample 1 The Great Help
Sample 2 Thank You, Mum!
Sample 3 A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed
Sample 4 Of Friendship
Sample 5 Generation Gap
UNIT 9 Women & Women"s Liberation
Sample 1 Women Should Not Be Neglected
Sample 2 Chinese Women - Half of the Sky
Sample 3 Women Are Free to Make a Choice

UNIT 10 Media & Entertainment
Sample 1 Television, Good or Bad?
Sample 2 A Case for Advertising
Sample 3 My View on Advertisements
Sample 4 Computer Games Are Great
Sample 5 Down with Computer Games!
UNIT 11 Globalization
Sample 1 Globalization. Opportunities and Challenges
Sample 2 Are We Lost?
Sample 3 New Century, New Challenges!
UNIT 12 Eco-environment
Sample 1 On Tourism
Sample 2 Be a Good Traveler
Sample 3 Let Us Put Our Words into Our Deeds
A PPENDIX 1 Famous Quotes
A PPENDIX 2 English Proverbs
