24 Proven Tactics to Spark Productivity in the Workplace Don't know how to manage employees with low morale? Fail to improve teamwork performance even by offering a raise? Are there rules to help understand what employees really have in mind? This concise but powerful guide puts together 24 creative and ready-to-use tools and techniques for ensuring enthusiasm, energy, and employee morale. The book also draws on examples of world-class companies such as Disney, Starbucks, Levi's and many others, to help you create a fun, efficient, and result-driven working environment. 24 Proven Tactics to Spark Productivity in the Workplace24门成功激励员工产生最佳绩效的功课 士气低迷的员工总是让你伤透脑筋,不知如何管理吗?即使你采取加薪方式,还是无法提升整体工作团队的绩效吗?员工的工作心理 真有规则可循吗?其间有什么秘诀呢?本书经过精心编排设计,将优秀领导者激励员工的秘诀浓缩成24则创新且容易上手的工具和技巧,帮助你轻松凝聚工作热情、职场活力和员工士气。此外,本书亦囊括迪士尼、星巴克、Levi's以及其他世界知名企业的实际例证,提供你营造一个气氛活泼、行事有效率的工作环境,创造成果导向绩效的最佳策略典范。