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作 者: 郭廉彰、黄成凤
出版社: 南京大学出版社
丛编项: 南京大学大学英语选修课系列
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787305045783 出版时间: 2006-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 258 字数:  






Unit One The Ten Benefits
I. The System Helps to Keep Peace
II. The System Allows Disputes to Be Handled Constructively
III. A System Based on Rules.Rather Than Power Makes Life Easier for All
IV. Freer Trade Cuts the Cost of Living
V. It Gives Consumers More Choice, and A Broader Range of Qualities to Choose from
VI. Trade Raises Incomes
VII. Trade Stimulates Economic Growth, and That Can Be Good News for Employment
VIII. The Basic Principles Make the System Economically More Efficient, and They Cut
IX. The System Shields Governments from Narrow Interests
X. The System Encourages Good Government
Key to the Exercises
Unit Two The Ten Common Misunderstandings
I. The WTO Does Not Tell Governments What to Do
II. The WTO Is Not for Free Trade at Any Cost
III. Commercial Interests Do Not Take Priority over Development
IV. Commercial Interests Do Not Take Priority over Environmental Protection
V. Commercial Interests Do Not Override Issues such as Food Safety, and Human
Health and Safety
VI. The WTO Does Not Destroy Jobs, or Widen the Gap Between the Rich and the Poor
VII. Small Countries Are Not Powerless in the WTO
VIII. The WTO Is Not the Tool of Powerful Lobbies
IX. Weaker Countries Do Have a Choice, and They Are Not Forced to Join the WTO
X. The WTO Is Not Undemocratic
Key to the Exercises
Unit Three Basics
I. What Is the World Trade Organization?
II. Principles of the Trading System
III. The Case for Open Trade
IV. The GATT Years: From Havana to Marrakesh
V. The Uruguay Round
VI. The WTO and Gatt -- Are They the Same'?
Key to the Exercises
Unit Four Agreements
I. Overview: A Navigational Guide
II. Tariffs: More Bindings and Closer to Zero
III. Agriculture: Fairer Markets for Farmers
IV. Textiles: Back in the Mainstream
V. Services: Rules for Growth and Investmen
VI. Intellectual Property: Protection and Enforcement
VII. Anti-Dumping, Subsidies,and Safeguards, etc.
VIII. Non-Tariff Barriers: Technicalities, Red Tape, etc.
IX. Plurilaterals: Of Minority Interest
X. Trade Policy Reviews: Ensuring Transparency
Key to the Exercises
Unit Five Settling Disputes
I. Overview
II. The Panel Process: Flow Chart
III. Case Study: The Timetable in Practice
Key to the Exercises
Unit Six Beyond the Agreements
I. Overview
II. Already Committed: The "Built-in Agenda". X
III. Regionalism -- Friends or Rivals?
IV. The Environment -- a New High Profile
V. Case Study: The Tuna-Dolphin Dispute
VI. Investment, Competition, Procurement, and Simpler Procedures
VII. Labor standards: Not on the Agenda
Key to the Exercises
Unit Seven Developing Countries
I. Overview
II. Committees
III. WTO Technical Cooperation
IV. Issues
V. Q&A(1) : Some Common Themes
VI. Q&A(2) : A Declaration of Independence
VII. Q&A(3) : WTO Membership and the Need to Be Heard
Key to the Exercises
Unit Eight The Organization
I.Whose WTO Is It Anyway?
II. WTO Organization Chart
III. Membership, Alliances and Bureaucracy
IV. The Secretariat Chart
V. Special Policies
VI. WTO Members and Observers List
VII. The Least-Developed Countries List
Key to the Exercises
Unit Nine Technical Information about Anti-Dumping
I. Introduction
II. Determination of Dumping
III. Determination of Injury and Causal Link
IV. Procedural Requirements
Key to the Exercises
Unit Ten The Anti-Dumoing Agreement
I. Agreement on Implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs
and Trade 1994 (The Anti-Dumping Agreement)
II. Explanation of the Anti-Dumping Agreement
III. Members' Obligations to Notify the WTO on Anti-Dumping Measures
Key to the Exercises
Appendix 1 The Structure of the WTO Secretariat since October 1, 2005
Appendix 2 The Doha Agenda
