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定 价:¥32.80

作 者: 李荣珠编
出版社: 吉林教育出版社
丛编项: 高考金四导
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787538330410 出版时间: 2004-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 212 字数:  







Unit 1-2
Unit 1 Good friends
Unit 2 English around the world

Unit 3-4
Unit 3 Going places
Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences

Unit 5-6
Unit 5 The silver screen
Unit 6 Good manners

Unit 7-8
Unit 7 Guhural relics
Unit 8 Sports

Unit 9=10
Unit 9 Technology
Unit 10 The world around US

Unit 11-12
Unit 11 The sounds of the world
Unit 12 Art and literature


Unit 13-14
Unit 13 Heahhy eating
Unit 14 Festivals

Unit 15-16
Unit 15 The necklace
Unit 16 Scientists at work

Unit 17-18
Unit 17 Great women
Unit 18 New Zealand

Unit 19-20
Unit 19 Modem agriculture
Unit 20 Humour

Unit 21-22
Unit 21 Body language
Unit 22 A world of fun


Unit 1-2
Unit 1 Making a difference
Unit 2 News media

Unit 3-4
Unit 3 Art and architecture
Unit 4 A garden of poems

Unit 5-6
Unit 5 The British Isles
Unit 6 Life in the future

Unit 7-8
Unit 7 Living with disease
Unit 8 First aid

Unit 9-10
Unit 9 Saving the earth
Unit 10 Frightening nature


Unit 11-12
Unit 11 Scientific achievement
Unit 12 Fact and fantasy

Unit 13-14
Unit 13 The water planet
Unit 14 Freedom fighters

Unit 15-16
Unit 15 Destinations
Unit 16 The United States of America

Unit 17-18
Unit 17 Disabilities
Unit 18 Inventions

Unit 19-20
Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice
Unit 20 Archaeology


Unit 1-2
Unit 1 That must be a record!
Unit 2 Crossing limits

Unit 3-4
Unit 3 The land down tinder
Unit 4 Green worlds

Unit 5-6
Unit 5 Getting the message
Unit 6 Going west

Unit 7-8
Unit 7 A Christmas Carol
Unit 8 Learning a foreign language

Unit 9-10
Unit 9 Heahh care
Unit 10 American literature

Unit 11-12
Unit 11 Key to success
Unit 12 Education

Unit 13-14
Unit 13 The m.ystery of the Moonstone
Unit 14 Zoology

Unit 15-16
Unit 15 Popular youth culture
Unit 16 Finding jobs

