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作 者: (美)赵岩
出版社: 对外经济贸易大学出版社
标 签: 写作/翻译

ISBN: 9787810785945 出版时间: 2006-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 321 字数:  


  【内容提要】 本书在教授修辞写作范式的同时强调了学习不同问题的功能,有效地缓解了学生对于英语写作课的忧虑,增强了学生表达自我的愿望,并且切切实实学习了修辞写作,打下了扎实的英语写作基础。本书绝非为应试而作。不过经过行之有效的学习,具备了扎实的英语写作功底,既已获“渔之道”,又何必惧怕各种考试中的写作题目呢? 【目录】 Part I:Laying a Strong Foundation for Writing: Composing Stages and Wrriting Standards 第一部分写作基础:写作步骤和写作标准 1.Introduction1.1 The Importance of Essay Writing1.2 Levels of(American)College Student Essays1.3 Common College Essay Assignments1.4 The Aim and Organization of the Book2.How to Generate Ideas:Planning2.1 Find a Good Topic2.2 Understand a Given Topic2.3 Generate Ideas for a Topic2.4 Get a Plan for Organization2.5 Use Criteria to Form Strong Main Points 3.How to Organize Ideas:Drafting3.1 Drafting versus Planning3.2 Outlining before Drafting3.3 Writing the Introduction3.4 Writing Body Paragraphs3.5 Writing the Conclusion 4.How to Polish Ideas:Revising4.1 Be Willing to Make Changes4.2 Understand Writing Standards:Unity,Coherence and Support4.3 Revise for Better Focus and Organization 4.4 Revise for Better Coherence4.5 Revise for Better Support4.6 Revise for Grammatical CorrectnessPartⅡ:wrua,~to Share 第二部分分享写作 5.Sharing Experiences:Narrating 5.1 HOW to Plan for a Narrative5.2 How to Organize a Narrative:Narrative Structure5.3 How to Maintain a Clear Narrative Sequence5.4 How to Establish a Credible Narrator and Point Of View5.5 How to Tell a Compelling StoryStudent Essay The KissSamuef H Scudder“Take This Fish and Look at It”Edgar Alan Poe The Tell—Tale Heart 6.Sharing Images and Impressions:Describing6.1 Using Objective and Subjective Description6.2 Describing with Sensory Details6.3 Describing with Figurative Language6.4 Creating Physical Image and Character Image6.5 Creating Images with Dialogue and ExampleWilliam Spooner Donald Will Someone Please Hiccup My Pat?Stephen Leacock My Discovery of England 7.Sharing Examples:Illustrating7.1 Consider This Example7.2 Illustrate a Point with Specific Examples7.3 Illustrate a Point with Typical Examples7.4 Use Both Types of ExamplesJohn Leo No Books,Please;We’re StudentsSamuel Johnson On the Art of AdvertisingStephen King Ever Et Raw Meat?8.Sharing Ideas:Informing8.1 Topics for an Informative Essay8.2 How to Plan for an Informational Essay8.3 How to Organize an Informative Essay8.4 How to Make an Essay(More)InformativeStudent Essay Attaining Success in CollegeSherry Sweetnam How to Organize Your Thoughts for Better CommunicationJeanine Barone Surprising Super FoodsPart Ⅲ:Writing to Understand 第三部分认识写作Part IV:Writiong to Explore第四部分 探研写作附录参考书目




Part I:Laying a Strong Foundation for Writing:
Composing Stages and Wrriting Standards
1.1 The Importance of Essay Writing
1.2 Levels of(American)College Student Essays
1.3 Common College Essay Assignments
1.4 The Aim and Organization of the Book
2.How to Generate Ideas:Planning
2.1 Find a Good Topic
2.2 Understand a Given Topic
2.3 Generate Ideas for a Topic
2.4 Get a Plan for Organization
2.5 Use Criteria to Form Strong Main Points
3.How to Organize Ideas:Drafting
3.1 Drafting versus Planning
3.2 Outlining before Drafting
3.3 Writing the Introduction
3.4 Writing Body Paragraphs
3.5 Writing the Conclusion
4.How to Polish Ideas:Revising
4.1 Be Willing to Make Changes
4.2 Understand Writing Standards:Unity,Coherence and Support
4.3 Revise for Better Focus and Organization
4.4 Revise for Better Coherence
4.5 Revise for Better Support
4.6 Revise for Grammatical Correctness
PartⅡ:wrua,~to Share
5.Sharing Experiences:Narrating
5.1 HOW to Plan for a Narrative
5.2 How to Organize a Narrative:Narrative Structure
5.3 How to Maintain a Clear Narrative Sequence
5.4 How to Establish a Credible Narrator and Point Of View
5.5 How to Tell a Compelling Story
Student Essay The Kiss
Samuef H Scudder“Take This Fish and Look at It”
Edgar Alan Poe The Tell—Tale Heart
6.Sharing Images and Impressions:Describing
6.1 Using Objective and Subjective Description
6.2 Describing with Sensory Details
6.3 Describing with Figurative Language
6.4 Creating Physical Image and Character Image
6.5 Creating Images with Dialogue and Example
William Spooner Donald Will Someone Please Hiccup My Pat?
Stephen Leacock My Discovery of England
7.Sharing Examples:Illustrating
7.1 Consider This Example
7.2 Illustrate a Point with Specific Examples
7.3 Illustrate a Point with Typical Examples
7.4 Use Both Types of Examples
John Leo No Books,Please;We’re Students
Samuel Johnson On the Art of Advertising
Stephen King Ever Et Raw Meat?
8.Sharing Ideas:Informing
8.1 Topics for an Informative Essay
8.2 How to Plan for an Informational Essay
8.3 How to Organize an Informative Essay
8.4 How to Make an Essay(More)Informative
Student Essay Attaining Success in College
Sherry Sweetnam How to Organize Your Thoughts for Better
Jeanine Barone Surprising Super Foods
Part Ⅲ:Writing to Understand
9.Understanding Causes and Effects:Analyzing
9.1 Understanding Analytical Skills:A Hypothetical Scenario
9.2 Defining“Analysis”
9.3 Analyzing for Effects
9.4 Analyzing for Causes
9.5 Writing about Both Effects and Causes
Student Essay Study Habit Blues
Jason Vest,Warren Cohen,and Mike Tharp Road Rage
10.Understanding Similarities and Differences:Comparing and Contrasting
10.1 Comparing for Similarities
10.2 Contrast fhr Differences
10.3 Comparing and Contrasting for a Real Purpose
Joseph Brant Indian Civilization VS.White Civilization
Sydney Harris The Difference between Winners and Whiners
Lewis Carroll Feeding the Mind
Karen Heller Is He Husband Material or a Boyfriend Kind of Guy?
11.Understanding Types:Classifying
11.1 How to Plan for a New Classification
11.2 How to Formulate Clear Categories
11.3 How to Use an Old Classification for a New Purpose
11.4 How to Organize a Classification Essay
Student Essay Cat Categories
Tom Bodett Dish Demeanor
Sigmund Freud Libidinal Types
Margot Mifflin The Ten Most Memorable Bores
12.Understanding Opinions:Arguing
12.1 The Need to Argue
12.2 How to Plan for an Argumentative Essay
12.3 How to Argue with a Credible Persona
12.4 How to Argue with Aristotle’S Three Appeals
12.5 How to Avoid Logic Fallacies when Arguing
Student Esay Let’S Drive Fifty.five
David Segal Excuuuse Me
Oliver Goldsmith National Prejudices
Part IV:w,.ua,ng to Explore
13.Exploring Literature
13.1 Understanding Literature
13·2 Two Methods of Literary Criticism:ExplicatiOn and Analysis
13.3 Literary Forms:the Basics
13.4 What to Focus on When Analyzing a Novel
13.5 How to Organize an Essay on a Novel
Virginia Woolf What the Novelist Gives Us
D.H.wrence Why the Novel Matters
Mark Twain Extracts from Adam’S Diary
14.Exploring Research
14.1 Understanding Research
14.2 Conducting Empirical Research
14.3 Conducting Library and Intemet Research
14.4 Writing the Research Paper
A Self-Testing Exercise on Source Use and MLA Documentation
Laura Holupka The Sun Also Rises:
A Glimpse into the Life of Ernest Hemingway
Denise E.Macedo The Mysterious Love Life of Henry James
Jennife Eriguel The Three Main Themes in Henry James,Works
Answers and Explanations on the Self-Testing Exercise
Appendix 附录
Credits 参考书目
