Look!(《新世纪少儿英语》)是一套针对中小学生设计的英语入门教程,共分六级。本教程以语法为基础,注重各种语言技能的有机联系,学生的听、说、读、写技巧均能到训练。教材每一级别,都由以下四分部组成:学生用书、练习册、教师用书和两盒录音带。每一级都提供了足够个学年使用的资料,可以根据教师和学生的不同需要进行灵活调整。举例来说,练习册可以在课堂上使用,也可以专门作为家庭作业使用,练习册后还有可供在课程的不同阶段进行的附加活动。每一级的教学需要45—60个课时,根据教材使用方式的不同而不同。为节省教师的备课时间,教师用书提供了一套授课提要,对如何教授学生用书上的每一课作了详细指导。授课提要还包括对热身练习和附加活动的建议、全部的录音文字、对如何使用练习册的指导以及完整的练习答案。教师可能会需要一些有助于教学的补充材料来增强教学效果,如卡片和挂图等,因此我们建议任课教师在上课前先阅读这些提要。教师也可能需要收集一些学生们表演对话时要用到的物品。如果使用道具,表演会更为有趣、真实。除授课提要外,本教师用书还包括一张语言点览表、活动一览表、七项活动和两套测验题。TOP目录 Lesson 1 He's going to have an accident! Lesson 2 They're coming at one o'clock. Lesson 3 We're leavinq in two davs. Lesson 4 This isn't vours,Dan! Lesson 5 Pete had a toothache. Lesson 6 Who'll run an errand for me? Lesson 7 Will you turn it on,please? Lesson 8 Could you get the key…? Lesson 9 Can I have some,too? Lesson 10 I can fiv! lesson 11 I couldn't swim! Lesson 12 I couldn't come to school. Lesson 13 It's too difficult. Lesson 14 He wasn't strong enough. Lesson 15 Come here,Tabby! Lesson 16 It's the best. Lesson 17 It's the biggest one. Lesson 18 Katie always gets more than me! Lesson 19 Katie worked more carefully. Lesson 20 Computers Lesson 21 Millions of years ago… Lesson 22 How tall is Dan? Lesson 23 Would you like any toast? Lesson 24 Would you like to use…? Lesson 25 Big Trees Lesson 26 Neither do I. Lesson 27 Soam I. Lesson 28 It's cheap. Lesson 29 How much rice did you get? Lesson 30 That's a lot of lemonade!活动一览表活动1-6测验1测验2 TOP 其它信息 装帧:平装页数:102 版次:2002-12-01开本:16开