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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语读物尼古拉斯·尼克贝



定 价:¥13.80

作 者: (英)狄更斯(Dickens, C.)著;袁宪军注
出版社: 北京大学出版社
丛编项: 世界名著英文简本读物系列
标 签: 英语 语言读物

ISBN: 9787301098622 出版时间: 2006-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 120页 字数:  


  一位志向远大的青年,因为其父亲去世而一贫如洗。他的放高利贷的叔叔不但不肯伸手援助,反而趁人之危让他到外地帮工,并利用他妹妹的美貌为自己牟利。他秉性正直,品格善良,为了帮助受虐待的学童又逃回伦敦。他几经磨难,与坏人斗争,戳穿他叔叔的阴谋,终于获得了成功,并与心爱的姑娘结婚。 世界名著,英语缩写本。生词有汉语注释,句式变化也较少。但也反映了当代英语的语言特点,是在欧洲学多国家甚至英语国家畅销的英语读物。适合阅读理解能力不是很强的中学生以及刚进大学的学生阅读。


  Charles Dickens was born in England in 1812.He was the second of eight sons in a poor family .Much of what he writes is a poor family .Much of what he writes is based on personal experience.When Dickens’father could not pay his bills,he was sent to prison.Dickens’mother and brothers wer forced to work hard at different jobs in order to pay off the debts,Charles Dickens knew firsthand about the misery and hunger of a poor life.


1. Introduces the Nicklebys
2. How Mr. Ralph Nickleby Likes Young Nicholas
3. Nicholas Meets the Yorkshire Schoolmaster
4. Nicholas Travels to Dotheboys Hall
5. Mr. and Mrs. Squeers at Home
6. About the Squeers Family
7. How Mr. Ralph Nickleby Takes Care of His Family
8. Newman Noggs Shows Mrs. and Miss Nickleby Their New Home
9. Someone Is Missing
10. Nicholas Makes a Move
11. Newman Noggs Meets Nicholas Again
12. Follows the Fortunes of Miss Nickleby
13. Nicholas Meets His Uncle Again
14. Nicholas Seeks His Fortune
15. Miss Nickleby Loses Her Job
16. The Company of Mr. Vincent Crummles
17. Miss Nickleby Becomes Desperate
18. Nicholas Is Called Away from the Theater
19. Relating to a Remarkable Conversation
20. Nicholas Helps Kate
21. Brighter Days Seem to Dawn on the Family
22. Nicholas Falls in Love
23. Mr. Ralph Nickleby and Nicholas Meet with Friends
24. The Dangers Thicken and the Worst Is Told
25. The End at Last
