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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语词汇/语法/阅读一杯安慰送老师(师恩难忘)



定 价:¥16.60

作 者: (美)塞尔
出版社: 青岛出版社
标 签: 文学赏析

ISBN: 9787543634916 出版时间: 2006-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32开 页数: 321 字数:  


  “教师的崇高艺术境界便是为人类开启创新求知的欢乐之门。” ——阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 每一天,教师们孜孜不倦地无私奉献着,满腔热情地默默耕耘着,改变着许多年轻人的命运。《一杯安慰送老师》歌颂的便是这些出类拔萃、鼓舞人心的良师。无论您身为教师,还是教师的敬慕者,读过这些故事后,都会与主人公同喜同泣。您将记住: 那位桃李满园的教师如何面对自己儿子不爱读书的巨大挑战。那位口语老师如何独辟蹊径让学生张口交流。那位新老师如何走进一名调皮学生的心灵。本书定会让我们想起教师整日忙碌的身影和充满期望的眼神,难忘属于他们的欢乐与成功。




why i teach * whitney l. grady
a pair of nothings * kathleen ewing
guns and roses * vicki cox
clown school * k. anne smith
because it matters * greg beatty
the sound of one door opening * paula sword
the first day * susan b. townsend
snapshots * beverly carol lucey
what teaching justin taught me * melissa scholes young
flight dreams * julie a. kaiser
what i never learned in kindergarten * debbi klopman
the gift * hattie mae ratliff
ant bites * emmarie lehnick
from intro to coda * rita dicarne
dial a for effort * a. ferreri
pass it on * michele griskey
grieving the f * samantha ducloux
a lesson learned * james eisenstock
lost and found * erin k. kilby
testing my mettle * glenn hameroff
the creative one * abby warmuth
what this teacher understands * carol l. f. kampf
there's no substitute * dawn fitzgerald
they wanted to teach * tony phillips
grade school lessons for a lifetime * julie dunbar
a little child shall lead them * annemarieke tazelaar
the educated dude * bonnie l. walker
champion of children * mikki hollinger
in the light of a master * michelle (mann) adserias
