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作 者: 刘乃银
出版社: 高等教育出版社
标 签: 其他

ISBN: 9787040185065 出版时间: 2005-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 290 字数:  






Unit 1
1 Text The Shadowland of Dreams
2 Reading Skills Using the Dictionary
3 Testing Fast Reading
4 Home Reading Help Youself Through the Hard Times
Unit 2
1 Text A Very Special Goose
2 Reading Skills Dealing with Synonyms and Antonyms
3 Testing Fast Reading
4 Home Reading Happy Accidents
Unit 3
1 Text Recycling
2 Testing Fast Reading
3 Home Reading Legislative Control Waste in Britain
Unit 4
1 Text The Lady on Pemberton Street
2 Reading Skills Dealing with Homonyms
3 Testing Fast Reading
4 Home Reading It's Our World, Too!
Unit 5
1 Text A Mother's Place
2 Reading Skills Skimming
3 Testing Fast Reading
4 Home Reading ToGrandmother's House We Go
Unit 6
1 Text Fathers & Sons: the Bonding Process
2 Testing Fast Reading
3 Home Reading My Father's Music
Unit 7
1 Text Numbers and Omens
2 Reading Skills Scanning
3 Testing Fast Reading
4 Home Reading Red Envelopes: It's the Thought That Counts
Unit 8
1 Text Getting Enough Sleep? Dream on
2 Reading Skills Choosing Reading Speeds
3 Testing Fast Reading
4 Home Reading Three Hours to Save Your Life
Unit 9
1 Text The Beauty and the Yak
2 Testing Fast Reading
3 Home Reading A New Future for Dorah
Unit 10
1 Text Ancient Olympic Games
2 Reading Skills Facts and Opinions
3 Testing Fast Reading
4 Home Reading Modern Olympic Games
Unit 11
1 Text The Rocking-Horse Winner (I)
2 Reading Skills Making Inferences
3 Testing Fast Reading
4 Home Reading The Rocking-Horse Winner (11)
Unit 12
1 Text Social Critic with Verve
2 Testing Fast Reading
3 Home Reading Janques Derrida
Unit 13
1 Text Giving Hitler Hell (1)
2 Reading Skills Underlining and Listing
3 Testing Fast Reading
4 Home Reading Giving Hitler Hell (ll)
Unit 14
1 Text Overdue Interest
2 Reading Skills Summarizing
3 Testing Fast Reading
4 Home Reading G.A. Fitch's Diary
Unit 15
1 Text The Old Man and the Sea ( I )
2 Testing Fast Reading
3 Home Reading The Old Man and the Sea ( II )
Sources of Reading Materials
