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定 价:¥35.00

作 者: 高绍邦
出版社: 重庆大学出版社
丛编项: 求实高职高专英语专业系列教材
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787562435211 出版时间: 2006-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 339 字数:  






第一部分 Basic Economics(经济学基础知识)
Lesson 1 Central Bank and Its Monetary Policy Tools
Lesson 2 The Balance Of International Payments
Lesson 3 Foreign Exchange
Lesson 4 Foreign Exchange Exposure and Foreign Exchange Market Transactions
Lesson 5 Syndicate Loan
第二部分 International Trade(国际贸易)
Lesson 6 Reasons for International Trade and Protectionism
Lesson 7 Key Issues in International Payment
Lesson 8 The Basic Terms of Payment
Lesson 9 Multinational Corporations:Myths and Facts
Lesson 10 The World Trade Organization
第三部分 National Economics(国别地区经济)
Lesson 11 Hoping for the Best
Lesson 12 IMF Executive Board Discusses Euro Area Policies
Lesson 13 The Canadian Economy
Lesson 14 Privatization Blues
第四部分 Securities(证券)
Lesson 15 It May Be Time to Get Bullish About the Bear Market
Lesson 16 Big Board Big Payday
Lesson 17 Venture Capital:Should Intel Stick to Its Day Job?
Lesson 18 Running Out of Options
第五部分 International Investment(国际投资)
Lesson 19 Effects of Transnational Corporations on Social Development
Lesson 20 Foreign Direct Investment
Lesson 21 Strategies of Transnational Corporations
Lesson 22 Basic Pattern of TNCs’Formation
第六部分 Business Administration(工商管理)
Lesson 23 Risk Management and Insurance(I)
Lesson 24 Risk Management and Insurance(Ⅱ)(continued)
Lesson 25 Marketing(I)
Lesson 26 Marketing(II)(continued)
第七部分 Tourism(旅游)
Lesson 27 Why People Travel?
Lesson 28 World Tourism Organization
Lesson 29 Tourist and Tourism
Lesson 30 Hotels
