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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语读物颐和园趣闻(英文版)



定 价:¥42.00

作 者: 徐凤桐、兰佩瑾
出版社: 外文出版社
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787119038087 出版时间: 2006-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 48开 页数: 226 字数:  


  As China's economy developed and the livelihood of the people improved in the last decade, there has appeared a tourist upsurge, in which the Summer Palace (Yiheyuan - meaning Garden of Harmonious Peace), the most famous classical imperial garden in the world,has become a tourist hot spot.Statistics show that since 1995 the Summer Palace has been visited by as many as 10 million people every year. The increase by several hundred thousand visitors to a garden on a city's outskirts every year is unprecedented anywhere in the world.




Emperor Qianlon9 Rebuilds the Gardens
Changing the Name of the Urn Hill
A Garden Within the Garden
Mimicking Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty
Yelu Chucai, an Important Official of Three Reigns
The Marble Boat
Interesting Rocks
Building a Temple to Win over People
Moving a Rock Caused the Ruin of a Family
Bronze Ox Pacifies the Waves
Replacing a Pagoda with a Tower
A Stroll Along the Long Corridor
lade Belt and Other Bridges
Pavilions Add Splendour
Cixi’s Reconstruction of the Garden
The Hall of Happiness and Longevity
"When the Army and Navy Suffer Defeat, the Court Celebrates"
Two Largest Halls
Life-prolonging Well
A Farmhouse in the Imperial Garden
Cixi Watches Pilgrim Parades
The Emperor’s Prison
The Empress Dowager’s Sumptuous Dining Table
The imperial Clinic
The Great Opera Stage
Listening to Orioles and Strolling in a Picture
Each Stream, Lake, Building and Gate Has Its Background
Suzhou Street - A Waterside Market in the Palace
A Eunuch of"Eternal Life"
The Discovery of a Five-ton Bronze Buddhist Statue
Visiting the Ruins and Pondering on the Past
Recreating the Tower of Bright Scenery
Studying at the Serenity Hall
The Restored "Pictures of Farming and Weaving"
