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当前位置: 首页出版图书生活时尚家居生活百科中国百姓故事(画册英文)



定 价:¥160.00

作 者: 焦波编
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
标 签: 交通

ISBN: 9787508503479 出版时间: 2003-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 236 字数:  


  《中国百姓故事:画册(英文)》主要内容有The making of a nun 、Mr.Beard、The centennial man 、The Kung Fu boy 、Zhou Zhou、"Mother Hongzhi"、Granny goes to school、The English-learning mill owner等。




The eyes of fope
The amateur diplomat in a Beijing Hutong
The Digital life in Shanghai
The crane watchers
An expet on Beijing folk customs
The"Yellow Waistcoats" in a metropolis
The photographer in a mountain village
The clay horse sculptor in Fengxiang
The "No,1Hammer"
The kids learning the Peking Opaera
The girl of an iron will
The boss of a body painting studio
The father
The mother
Impeachment in a mountain village
The Pearl-breeding King
The seagull man
The white collars in Guaangzhou
Gaisang Yuzhub
The"Doctors for National Treasures"
Mother of the "Children of the Stars"
The paper-making family
The last musketeers of the Miao ethnic group
A Peking Opera performer from Taiwan
The Brother Pack-basket
An old street
The drifting life of a female writer
Mounted policewomen in Dalian
The Cheongsam makers
The making of a nun
The centennial man
The Kung Fu boy
Zhou Zhou
"Mother Hongzhi"
Granny goes to school
The English-learning mill owner
The last"Lotus Feet"
The spare-time tuner
University students having a try at E-commerce
Surveyors on the plateau
The Painter
