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定 价:¥53.00

作 者: (德)布尔梅斯特尔、佩楚托
出版社: 中国科学技术出版社
标 签: 微生物学


ISBN: 9787504642219 出版时间: 2006-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32开 页数: 322 字数:  




  Ger-Rudiger Burmester was born in Hanover,Germany in 1953.He Studied medicine at the University of hanover Medical School from 1972 to 1978 and did his doctoral research under the aegis of Professor Jachim R.Kalden in Hanover.His active interset in clinical immunology and rheumatology beagn during medical school and intensified after his studies as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the laboratories of Professors henry Kunkel and Robert Winchester at the Rockefell University in New York on a scholaship from thd Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.TOP目录 Fndamental Principles The Immune System Origin of Cells of the Inmmune System Organs of the Lymphatic System T-Lymbhocyte Developmentand Differentiation B-Lymphocyte Development and Diffferentiation Cell-Cell Inter actions Nonspecific Defense Cells Moncytes and Dendritic Cell HLA System(MHC System) The Complement SyStem Innate Immunity Leuckocyte Migration Pathological Immune Mechanisms and Tolerance ApoptosisLaboratory Applications Antigen-Antibody Interations Cellular ImmunityHumoral ImmunityMolecular Biological MethodsClinical Immunology Immundoeficiencies Hemolytic Diseases and Cytopenias Hematolgoical Diseases Tumor Immunology Transplantation of Autologous Msdculoskeletal Diseases Autoantibodies Connective Tissue Disease and Vasculitis Skin Diseases Gastrointestinal Disases Respiratory Disases Renal Diseases Metabolic Diseases heart Diseas neurological Diseases Ophthalmic Diseases Reproduction Immunology Vaccinations Immune PharmacologyAppenidx TOP 其它信息 装帧:平装页数:322 版次:1开本:32开


Fndamental Principles
The Immune System
Origin of Cells of the Inmmune System
Organs of the Lymphatic System
T-Lymbhocyte Developmentand Differentiation
B-Lymphocyte Development and Diffferentiation
Cell-Cell Inter actions
Nonspecific Defense Cells
Moncytes and Dendritic Cell
HLA System(MHC System)
The Complement SyStem
Innate Immunity
Leuckocyte Migration
Pathological Immune Mechanisms and Tolerance
Laboratory Applications
Antigen-Antibody Interations
Cellular Immunity
Humoral Immunity
Molecular Biological Methods
Clinical Immunology
Hemolytic Diseases and Cytopenias
Hematolgoical Diseases
Tumor Immunology
Transplantation of Autologous
Msdculoskeletal Diseases
Connective Tissue Disease and Vasculitis
Skin Diseases
Gastrointestinal Disases
Respiratory Disases
Renal Diseases
Metabolic Diseases
heart Diseas
neurological Diseases
Ophthalmic Diseases
Reproduction Immunology
Immune Pharmacology
