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Sustainable Agricultural Development

Sustainable Agricultural Development

定 价:¥60.00

作 者: 唐华俊等编
出版社: 气象出版社
标 签: 一般性理论

ISBN: 9787502936242 出版时间: 2003-10-01 包装: 精装
开本: 页数: 276 字数:  


暂缺《Sustainable Agricultural Development》简介


暂缺《Sustainable Agricultural Development》作者简介


Sumimary Report at APEC Workshop on Sustainable Agricultural
Development and Technical Training
Opening Speech at APEC Workshop on Sustainable Agricultural
Development and Techmical Training
Polices for Sustainable Agricultural Development
Sustainable Agricultural Development in China
Promotion of Public Participation in Sustainable Development in Malaysia
Food Security and Sustainable Food Production in China by the Early 21st Century
Policies toward Sustaniable Developement at the Age of Unified Global Economy
Rural Poverty Alleviation and Human Sustaiable Development-Program in Neiqiu Experimental Zone in Taihang Mountain of China
Japanese Policies for Promoting Sustainable Agriculture
Sustainable Agricultural Technology and Its Development
Programs on Rural Viability and Sustainable Agracultural Development in the Republic of Korea
The Reserch o Developnent Models of Sustainable and High Efficiency Agriculture
in Tai Lake Region-A Case Study of Changshu City of Jiangsu Provine
Surrent Status and Countemeasures for theDevelopnent of the Safety of Agricultural Transgenic Organisms in the Development of the Safety of Agricultural Transgenic Organisms in China
Study on Ecological Agricultural Model Suitable for Metroplis Characteristics-Research on the Moedel of Shanghai Metropolis Ecological Agriculture
Current Status of Non-Chemical Techniques Used in Plant Disease Contrul in CHinese Taipei
Agro-ecological Engineering Consturction fo sustaingable Agruculture-The Ecological Agriculture in China
Organic Agriculture in China
Microirrigation-One of the Most Advanced Irrigation Techniques for Sustainable Agriculture
Integraged Management of Agricultural Resources
Agricultual Environment Pollution and Protection
Information Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture
