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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术医学口腔科学颌面口腔应用解剖彩色图谱



定 价:¥120.00

作 者: 段坤昌、李庆生
出版社: 辽宁科技出版社
标 签: 口腔科学

ISBN: 9787538144314 出版时间: 2005-10-01 包装: 精装
开本: 16开 页数: 218页 字数:  






颅the skoll
1·颅(前面观)the skull.anterior aspect
2·颅(侧面观)the skull.lateral aspect
3·颅(上面观)the skull.superior aspect
4·颅(后面观)the skull.posterior aspect
5·颅底(外面观)the base of the skull.external aspect
6·颅底(内面观)the base of the skull.internal aspect
7·胎儿透明颅骨(前面观)the transparent skull of the fetus.anterior aspect
8·胎儿透明颅骨(侧面观)the transparent skull of the fetus.lateral asdect
9·新生儿颅(前面观)the skull of the new—born.anterior aspect
10·新生儿颅(侧面观)the skull of the new—born.lateral aspect
11·幼儿颅(前面观)the skull of the infant.anterior aspect
12·幼儿颅(侧面观)the skull of the infant.lateral aspect
13·小儿脑积水颅(前面观)the infantile hydrocephalic skull.anterior aspect
14·小儿脑积水颅(侧面观)the infantile hydrocephalic skull.lateral aspect
15·枕板障管the diploic canals of the occipital bone
16·颧骨(外侧面观)the zygomatic bone.lateral aspect
17·颧骨(内侧面观)the zygomatic bone.medial aspect
18·颢骨(外面观)the temporal bone.external aspect
19·颞骨(内面观)the temporal bone.internal aspect
20·颞骨(下面观)the temporal bone.inferior aspect
21·颞骨(上面观)the temporal bone.superior aspect
22·蝶骨(上面观)the sphenoid bone.superior aspect
23·蝶骨(后面观)the sphenoid bone.posterior aspect
24·蝶骨(前面观)the sphenoid bone.anterior aspect
25·翼腭窝the pterygopalatine fossa
26·泪骨(外侧面观)the lacrimal bone.lateral aspect.
27·泪骨(内侧面观)the lacrimal bone.medial aspect
28·鼻骨(前面观)the nasal bone.anterior aspect
29·鼻骨(后面观)the nasal bone.posterior aspect
30·腭骨(后面观)the palatine bone.posterior aspect
31·腭骨(内侧面观)the palatine bone.medial aspect
32·腭骨(外侧面观)the palatine bone.lateral aspect
33·鼻腔底和上颌窦底(上面观)the floor of the nasal cavity and the f100r of the maxillary sinus.superior aspect
34·上颌骨(前面观)the maxilla.anterior aspect
35·上颌骨(内侧面观)the maxilla.medial aspect
36·上颌骨(后面观)the maxilla.posterior aspect
37·上颌骨(下面观)the maxilla.inferior aspect
38·新生儿上颌骨(前外侧面观)the maxilla of the new—born.anterolateral aspect
