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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语写作/翻译易得:论文设计与学术写作专家系统



定 价:¥42.40

作 者: 杨永林
出版社: 高等教育出版社
丛编项: 论文设计与学术写作系统
标 签: 写作/翻译

ISBN: 9787040139327 出版时间: 2005-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 148 字数:  


  90世纪90年代以来,随着世界经济一体化、科学技术全球化、技术人才国际化、信息技术产业化、文本信息数字化、学术成果网络化进程的加快,英语写作在外语学习中的重要地位,不断得以提升,逐渐成为评价学习者个体语言能力水平的一个必要参数,普遍得到认可。考察外语评估体系的演变过程,更能说明问题:一个显而易见的事实是,能否客观科学、准确全面地评估学习者的写作水平,不但已经成为国际三大英语测试体系(即GRE、TOEFL,以及IELTS)所关注的重要内容,同时也是国内“大学英语四、六级考试”、“英语专业四、八级考试”所面临的一项重要改革内容。譬如,美国的“托福”(TOEFL)考试,原来没有写作,后来增加了英语写作考试的内容。英国和澳大利亚共同开发的“雅思”(IELTS)考试,一直重视英语写作能力,使其成为语言整体评估体系中的一个不可或缺的重要参数,同时也成为这一考试系统中体现人性化特色的一个显著标志,深受考生的欢迎。近年来,“美国研究生入学考试”(GRE)也在不断增加写作能力在其评估体系中的权重,通过“分析性写作”(Analytical Writing)的引入,更为科学合理地考查考生通过英语写作解决实际问题的能力水平。




CHAPTER ONE:Introduction to the RD System系统简介
1.What Are Major Problems and Possible Solutions in Rrsearch Development&Academic Writing?问题与对策
2.What Unique Features Does the RD System Possess?系统特征
3.How Can You USC the RD System and Make Your Rresearch Work Easier?科研帮手
4.What Tips Can Help You Deepen Your Understanding of the RD System?“易得”攻略
A mini?lecture:Research Development Made Easy研发利器
CHAPTER TWO:How Can You Produce a Pre?text?文前文本
1. Cover Sheet封面形式
1.1 Why do you need a cover sheet?
1.2 What does a cover sheet look like?
1.3 How can you use the RD system to complete a cover sheet?
2.1 Why do you need an acknOwIedgemenl part?
2.2 What does an acknOwIedgemenl part look like?
2.3 How can you use the RD system to produce an acknOwIedgemenl part?
3.1 Why do you need an abstract?
3.2 What does an abstract look like?
3.3 How can you use the EAME system to write an abstract?
3.4 What tips can help you further improve your abstract writing?
A mini-lecture:An Electronic Abstract Made Easy System“易觅”软件
4. Table of Contents全文目录
4.1 Why do you need a table of contents?
4.2 What does a table of contents look like?
4.3 How can you use the RD system to create a table of contents?
5. List of Figures and Tables图表目录
5.1 Why do you need a list of figures and tables?
5.2 What does a list of figures and tables look like?
5.3 How can you use the RD system to make a list of figures and tables?
5.4 What tips can help you improve your figure and table listing?
A mini-lecture:Some Universal Principles for the Development of a Meticulous Style in Research求精原则
6.List of Abbreviations缩略语表
6.1 Why do you need a list of abbreviations?
6.2 What does a list of abbreviations look like?
6.3 How can you use the RD system to produce a list of abbreviations?
CHAPTER THREE:How Can You Complete a Text Proper?正文文本
1. Topic Selection研究选题
1.1 Why do you need topic selection training?
1.2 What factors do you need to consider in your topic selection?
1.3 How can you use lhe RD system to solve problems in your topic selection?
2.Title Elaboration破题立论
2.1 Why do you need title elaboration?
2.2 What factors do you need to consider in your title elaboration?
2.3 How can you use the RD system to solve some problems in your title elaboration?
2.4 What tips can help you further improve your title elaboration?
A mini-lecture:How to Choose a Good Title for Your Piece?美名荐佳文
3. Research Introduction/Background Information背景介绍
3.1 Reseamh Motives研究动机
3.2 Literature Review文献综述
A mini-lecture:In What Ways Can We Review?评议之文
3.3 Existing Problems存在问题
3.4 Research Focuses,Questions研究焦点/问题
3.5 Structural Arrangements体例结构
A mini-lecture:From Paragraph to Text段落篇章
4. Theoretic Framework理论框架
4.1 Why do you need to construct a framework?
4.2 What factors do you need to consider in your theory construction?
4.3 How can you use fhe RD system and solve some problems in setting up your theoretical framework?
4.4 What tips can help you improve your theory construction?
A mini-lecture:Categorization and Scientific Research科学分类
5. Methodology Selection方法选择
5.1 Why do you need to select your research methods?
5.2 What factors do you need to consider in your methodology selection?
5.3 How can you use the RD system to solve some problems in your methodology selection?
5.4 What tips can help you improve your methodology selection?
A mini-lecture:Methodological Innovation and Talent Studies人才学研究应当注重方法的创新
6. Data Collection数据收集
6.1 Why do you need to collect data?
6.2 What factors do you need to consider in your data collection?
6.3 How can you use the RD system to solve some problems in your data collection?
7. Analysis分析研究
7.1 Why do you need analysis?
7.2 What factors do you need to consider in your analysis?
7.3 How can you use the RD system to solve some problems in your analysis Darl?
8. Discussion讨论展示
8.1 Why do you need to introduce a discussion?
8.2 What factors do you need to consider in your discussion?
8.3 How can you use the RD system to solve some problems in your discussion organization?
9. Conclusion所得结论
9.1 Why do you need to include a conclusion?
9.2 What factors do you need to consider in your conclusion?
9.3 How can you use the RD system to solve some problems in making your conclusions?
CHAPTER FOUR:How Can You Provide a Post-text?文后文本
1. References参考书目
1.1 Why do you need to include a list of references?
1.2 What factors do you need to consider in completing your references?
1.3 How can you use the RD system to solve some problems in your reference preparation?
1.4 What tips can help you improve your reference preparation?
A mini-lecture:What Makes a Good Reference Part?参考书目要素
2. Appendixes附录部分
2.1 Why do you need to have an appendix Oarl?
2.2 What factors do you need to consider in your appendix Darl?
2.3 How can you use the RD system to solve problems in your appendix preparation?
A Key-word Database for the Teaching of English Writing&Rearch英语写作教学与研究关键词库
