本书以一个电子商务系统为范例,详细介绍了其用况设计过程中的4个关键阶段:域建模、用况建模、稳定性分析、顺序图。对每个主题的介绍,都结合了一定的细节讨论、常见错误、练习题,易学易练。本书适合面向对象系统设计人员阅读。Doug Rosenberg,of ICONIX Software Engineering,Inc.,has been providing system development tools and traning for nearly two decades,with particular emphasis on object-oriented methods.He developed a Unified Booch/Rumbaugh/Jacobson design mehtod in 1993 that preceded Rational's UML by several years.he has produced more than a dozen multimedia traning courses on object tchnology,including COMPREHENSEIVE COM and COMPLETE CORBA,and is the author of the book Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML. Kendall Scott provides UML traning and metoring on a nationwide basis through ICONIX .He is the author of UML Explained and supporting author of UML Distilled,Second Edition ,and the co-author of Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML.