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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语读物敏捷迭代开发管理者指南(英文版)



定 价:¥45.00

作 者: (美)拉曼 著,
出版社: 机械工业出版社
丛编项: 经典原版书库
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787111184836 出版时间: 2006-03-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 小16开 页数: 342 字数:  


  Introduction Overview What's in this book? Predictable versus new product development. What value will you get from studying this book, an introduction to iterative and agile methods? First , you will know the key practices of four noteworthy methods, Scrum, Extreme Programming (XP) , the Unified Process (UP) , and Evo (one of the original iterative methods). This is a "Cliffs Notes" summary, each chapter has something useful to you as a manager, developer, or student of development methods. Second , your learning curve will be shortened, as this is a distilled learning aid. The four method chapters have the same structure, to speed comprehension and compare-contrast. There's a FAQ chapter, a "tips" chapter of common practices, and plenty of margin pointers to related pages-paper hyperlinks. Third , you will know motivation and evidence.




1 Introduction 
 Software Is New Product Development
 What's Next? 
 Web Resources 
2 Iterative & Evolutionary
 Iterative Development
 Risk-Driven and Client-Driven Iterative Planning
 Timeboxed Iterative Development
 During the Iteration, No Changes from External Stakeholders
 Evolutionary and Adaptive Development
 Evolutionary Requirements Analysis
 Early “Top Ten” High-Level Requirements and Skillful Analysis
 Evolutionary and Adaptive Planning
 Incremental Delivery Evolutionary Delivery
 The Most Common Mistake? 
 Specific Iterative & Evolutionary Methods
 What's Next? Recommended Readings 
3 Agile
 Agile Development
 Classification of Methods
 The Agile Manifesto and Principles
 Agile Project Management
 Embrace Communication and Feedback
 Programming as If People Mattered
 Simple Practices and Project Tools
 Empirical vs Defined & Prescriptive Process
 Principle-Based versus Rule-Based
 Sustainable Discipline: The Human Touch
 Team as a Complex Adaptive System
 Agile Hype? Specific Agile Methods
 What's Next? Recommended Readings 
4 Story 
 What's Next? 
5 Motivation 
 The Facts of Change on Software Projects
 Key Motivations for Iterative Development
 Meeting the Requirements Challenge Iteratively
 Problems with the Waterfall What's Next? 
6 Evidence 
 Research Evidence
 Early Historical Project Evidence
 Standards-Body Evidence
 Expert and Thought Leader Evidence
 A Business Case for Iterative Development
 The Historical Accident of Waterfall Validity? 
 What's Next? Recommended Readings 
7 Scrum 
 Method Overview
 Workproducts, Roles, and Practices
 Common Mistakes and Misunderstandings
 Sample Projects
 Process Mixtures
 Adoption Strategies
 Fact versus Fantasy
 Strengths versus “Other”
 History What's Next? Recommended Readings 
8 Extreme Programming 
 Method Overview
 Workproducts, Roles, and Practices
 Common Mistakes and Misunderstandings
 Sample Projects
9 Unified Process
10 Evo
11 Practice Tips
12 Frequently Asked Questions 
13 Bibliography
