Digital Basics 2
Chapter l
Analog to Digital 2
Moon Walk 4
1-1 Your Course in Electronics 5
1-2 Analog and Digital Data and Devices 7
1-2-1 Analog Data and Devices 7
1-2-2 Digital Data and Devices 8
1-3 Analog and Digital Signal Conversion 12
Chapter 2
Number Systems and Codes 16
Leibniz's Language Of Logic 18
2-1 The Decimal Number System 19
2-1-1 Positional Weight 19
2-1-2 Reset and Carry 20
2-2 The Binary Number System 21
2-2-1 Positional Weight 22
2-2-2 Reset and Carry 22
2-2-3 Converting Binary Numbers to Decimal
Numbers 24
2-2-4 Converting Decimal Numbers to Binary
Numbers 25
2-3 The Hexadecimal Number System 27
2-3-1 Converting Hexadecimal Numbers to Decimal
Numbers 27
2-3-2 Converting Decimal Numbers to Hexadecimal
Numbers 29
2-3-3 Converting Between Binary and
Hexadecimal 31
2-4 The Octal Number System 32
2-4-1 Converting Octal Numbers to Decimal
Numbers 33
2-4-2 Converting Decimal Numbers to Octal
Numbers 34
2-4-3 Converting BetWeen Binary and Octal 35
2-5 Binary Codes 37
2-5-1 The Binary Coded Decimal (BDC) Code 37
2-5-2 The Excess-3 Code 38
2-5-3 The Gray Code 39
2-5-4 The American Standard Code for Information
Interchange (ASCII) 40
Chapter 3
Loglc Gates 46
Back to the Future 48
3-l Hardware for the Binary Systems 49
3-1-1 Using the Diode to Construct a Logic Gate 50
3-1-2 Using the Transistor to Construct a Logic Gate
3-2 Basic Logic Gates 54
3-2-1 The OR Gate 54
3-2-2 The AND Gate 59
3-3 Inverting Logic Gates 65
3-3-1 The NOT Gate 66
3-3-2 The NOR Gate 68
3-3-3 The NAND Gate 71
34 Exclusive Logic Gates 74
3-4-1 The XOR Gate 74
3-4-2 The XNOR Gate 77
3-5 IEEE/ANSI Systems fot Logic Gates 80
Chapter 4
Standard Logic versus Programmable Logic 88
A Problem with Early Mornings 90
4-1 Why Use Programmable Logic Devices? 91
4-l-1 bestructing a Circuit Using Standard Logic
Devices 91
4-1-2 Constructing a Circuit Using Progranunable
Logic Devices 93
4-2 Types of Programmable Logic Devices 95
4-2-1 Early Programmable Logic Devices 95
4-2-2 Today's Programmable Logic Devices 96
4-3 Programming a PLD 98
4-4 PLD Software "Quick Start" 98
Chapter 5
DigitaI IC Types 118
A Noyce Invention 120
5-1 The Bipolor Famly of Digital Integrated Circuits 122
5-1-1 Standard TTL Logic Gate Circuits 123
5-1-2 Low-Power and High-Speed TTL Logic Gates
5-1-3 Schottky TTL Logic Gates I31
5-1-4 Open-Collector TTL Gates 134
5-1-5 Three-State (Tri-State) Output TTL Gates 135
5-1-6 Buffer/Driver TTL Gates 137
5-1-7 Schmitt-Trigger TTL Gates 138
5-1-8 Emitter-Coupled Logic (ECL) Gate Circuits
5-1-9 Integrated-Injection Logic (I2L) Gate Circuits
5-2 The MOS Family of Digital Integrated Circuits 146
5-2-1 PMOS (P-Channel MOS) Logic Circuits 147
5-2-2 NMOS (N-Channel MOS) Logic Circuits 148
5-2-3 CMOS (Complementary MOS) Logic Circuits
5-2-4 MOSFET Handling Precautions 153
5-3 DigitaI IC Package Types and Complexity
Classification 154
5-3-1 Early Digital IC Package Types 154
5-3-2 Present-Day Digital IC Package Types I56
5-3-3 Digital IC Circuit Complexity Classification I56
5-4 Comparing and Interfacing Bipolar and MOS Logic
Pamilies 157
5-4-1 The Bipolar Family 157
5-4-2 The MOS Family 158
5-4-3 Interfacing Logic Families 159
5-4-4 Other Logic Gate Families 162
Chapter 6
Doubleshooting Logic Gates 172
Space the Final Frontier 174
6-1 Digital Test Equipment 176
6-1-1 Testing with the Multimeter 176
6-1-2 Testing with the Oscilloscope 176
6-1-3 Testing with the Logic Clip I8I
6-1-4 Tosting with the Logic Probe 182
6-1-5 Testing with the Logic Pulser 184
6-1-6 Testing with the Current Tracer 185
6-2 Digital Circuit Problems 187
6-2-1 Digital IC Problems 188
6-2-2 Other Digital Circuit Device Problems 192
6-3 Circuit Repair 196
6-4 PLD Software Simulation 197
Chapter 7
Logic Circuit Simplification 2O8
From Folly to Foresight 210
7-1 Boolean Expressions for Logic Gates 211
7-l-1 The NOT Expression 21I
7-1-2 The OR Expression 212
7-l-3 The AND Expression 213
7-l-4 The NOR Expression 216
7-1-5 The NAND Expression 218
7-1-6 The XOR Expression 219
7-1-7 The XNOR Expression 220
7-2 Boolean Algebra Lawe and Rules 222
7-2-1 The Commutative Law 222
7-2-2 The Associative Law 223
7-2-3 The Distributite Law zz4
7-2-4 Boolean Algebra Ruls 22S
7-3 From Ttuth Table to Gate Circuit 230
7-4 Gate Circuit Simplification 234
74-1 Boolean Algebta SimpIification 234
7-4-2 Karnaugh Map Shaplification 236
Digital Circuits 248,
Chapter 8
Decoders and Encoders 248
Working with Wang 250
8-1 Decoders 251
8-1-1 Basic Decoder Circuits 251
8-1-2 Decimal Decoders 256
8-l-3 Hexadecimal Decoders 264
8-1-4 Display Decoders 270
8-2 Encoders 281
8-2-1 Basic Encoder Circuits 281
8-2-2 Decimal-to-BCD Encoders 286
8-3 Troubleshooting Decoders and Encoders 292
8-3-1 An Encoder and Deboder Circuit 292
8-3-2 Sample Problems 298
Chapter 9
Other Combinational Logic Circuits 306
Keeping it BASIC 30s
9-1 Multiplexers 309
9-1-1 One-of-Eight Data Multiplexer/Selector 312
9-1-2 Four-of-Eight Data Multiplexer/Selector 324
9-2 Demultiplexers 330
9-2-1 A One-Line to Eight-Line Demultiplexer 333
9-2-2 A One-Line to Sixteen-Line Demultiplexer 335
9-2-3 A Three-Line to Eight-Line Decoder/
Demultiplexer 339
9-3 Comparators 349
9-3-l A 4-Bit Binary Comparator 349
9-3-2 A 4-Bit Magnitude Comparator 352
9-4 Parity Generators and Checkers 357
9-4-1 Even or Odd Parity 358
9-4-2 A 9-Bit Parity Generator/Checker 361
9-5 Troubleshooting Combinational Logic Circuits 365
9-5-1 A Combinational Logic Circuit 366
9-5-2 Sample Problems 370
Chapter 10
Set-Reset and Data-Type Flip-Flops 380
The Persistor 382
10-1 Set-Reset (S-R) Flip-Flops 383
10-1-1 Basic S-R Flip-Flop or S-R Latch 383
10-1-2 NOR S-R Latch and NAND S-R Latch 386
10-1-3 Level-Triggered S-R Flip-Flops 394
l0-1-4 Edge-Triggered S-R Flip-Flops 394
10-l-5 Pulse-Triggered S-R Flip-Flops 397
10-2 Data-Type (D-Type) Flip-Flops 405
l0-2-1 Level-Triggered D-Type Flip-Flops 406
10-2-2 Edge-Triggered D-Type Flip-Flops 411
10-2-3 Pulse-Triggered D-Type Flip-Flops 422
10-3 Troubleshooting Set-Reset and Data-Type Flip-Flop
Circuits 424
l0-3-1 A Flip-Flop Logic Circuit 424
l0-3-2 Step 1: Diagnose 427
10-3-3 Step 2: Isolate 428
10-3-4 Step 3: Repair 429
10-3-5 Sample Problems 429
Chapter 11
J-K Flip-Flops and Timer Circuits 438
Go and Do "Something More Useful" 440
11-1 J-K Flip-Flops 441
11-l-1 Edge-Triggered J-K Flip-Flops 441
11-1-2 Pulse-Triggered J-K Flip-Flops 445
11-2 Digital Tmer and Control Circuits 461
11-2-1 The Astable Multivibrator Circuit 461
1l-2-2 The Monostable Multivibrator Circuit 465
1l-2-3 The 555 Timer Circuit 475
11-3 Troubleshooting J-K Flip-Flop and Timer
Circuits 484
l1-3-1 A Flip-Flop Logic Circuit 484
11-3-2 Sample Problems 489
Chapter l2
Reglsters 498
Trash 500
12-l Buffer Registers 501
12-2 Shift Registers 503
12-2-1 Serial-In, Serial-Out (SISO) Shift Registers 507
12-2-2 Serial-In, Parallel-Out(SIPO) Shift Registers
12-2-3 Parallel-In, Serial-Out (PISO) Shift Registers
12-2-4 Bidirectional Universal Shift Register 536
12-3 Three-State Output Registers 544
12-4 Register Applications 554
12-4-1 Memory Registers 554
12-4-2 Serial-to-Parallel and Parallel-to-Serial
Conversions 555
12-4-3 Arithmetic Operations 557
12-4-4 Shift Register Counters/Sequenpers 558
12-5 Troubleshooting Register Circuits 572
12-5-1 A Register Circuit 573
12-5-2 Sample Problems 577
Chapter l3
Counters 586
The Great Experimenter 588
13-1 Asynchronous Counters 589
13-1-1 Asynchronous Binary Up Counters 589
l3-1-2 Asynchronous Binary Down Canters 597
13-1-3 Asynchronous Binary Up/Down Deunters 602
13-1-4 Asynchronous Decade (mod-10) Counters
13-1-5 Asynchronous Presettable Counters 612
13-2 Synchronous Counters 618
13-2-1 SynchrQnous Binary Up Counters 618
13-2-2 Synchronous Counter Advantages 623
13-2-3 Synchronous Presettable Binary Counters 624
13-2-4 Synchronous Decade (MOD-10).Counters 638
13-2-5 Synchronous Up/Down Counters 644
13-3 Counter Applications 651
13-3-1 A Digital Clock 651
13-3-2 A Frequency Counter 653
13-3-3 A Multiplexed Display 659
13-4 Troubleshooting Counter Circuits 660
13-4-1 A Counter Circuit 660
13-4-2 Sample Problems 663
Chapter l4
Aritbmetic Operations and Circuits 670
The Wizard of Menlo Park 672
14-1 Arithinetic Operations 673
14-1-l Binary Arithmetic 673
14-1-2 Representing Positive and Negative Numbers
14-1-3 Two's Complement Arithmetic 687
l4-1-4 Representing Large and Sman\Numbers 697
14-2 Arithmetic Circuits 699
14-2-1 Half-Adder Circuit 699
14-2-2 Full-Adder Circuit 703
14-2-3 Parallel-Adder Circuit 707
14-3 Arithmetic Circuit Applications 718
14-3-1 Basic Two's Complement Adder/Subtractor
Circuit 718
l4-3-2 An Arithmetic-Logic Unit (ALU) IC 722
l4-4 TroubIeshooting Arithmetic Circuits 728
14-4-1 An Arithmetic Circuit 728
14-4-2 Sample Problems 730
Chapter l5
Sendconductor Memories 736
The Turing Enigma 738
15-1 Semiconductor Read-Only Memories (ROMs) 739
l5-1-1 A Basic Diode ROM 739
l5-1-2 A Diode ROM with Internal Decoding 741
15-1-3 Semiconductor ROM Characteristics 741
15-1-4 ROM Types 750
l5-l-5 ROM Applications 757
15-1-6 ROM Testing 759
l5-2 Semiconductor Read/Write Memories (RWMs) 761
15-2-l SAMs Versus RAMs 761
l5-2-2 RAM Types 763
15-2-3 RAM Applications 776
l5-2-4 RAM Testing 781
l5-3 Troubleshooting Memory Circuits 784
l5-3-1 A Memory Circuit 784
l5-3-2 Sample Problems 788
Chapter l6
Analog and Digita1 Signa1 Converters 799
The First Pocket Calculator 800
16-1 Analog and Digital Signa1 Conversion 801
16-1-l Connecting Analog and DigitaI Devices to a
Computer 803
16-1-2 Converting Information Signals 803
16-2 Digital-to-Analog Converters (DACs) 805
16-2-1 Binary-Weighted Resistor DAC 805
16-2-2 R/2R Ladder DAC 808
l6-2-3 DAC Characteristics 812
16-2-4 A DAC Data Sheet and Application Circuit
l6-2-5 Testing DACs 8I9
16-3 Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) 819
l6-3-1 Staircase ADC 819
16-3-2 Successive Approximation ADC 821
l6-3-3 Flash ADC 823
16-3-4 An ADC Data Sheet and Application Circuit
l6-3-5 Testing ADCs 827
l6-4 Troubleshooting Data Converter Circuits 829
16-4-1 A Data Converter Circuit 829
16-4-2 Sample Problems 831
Digital Systems 838
Chapter l7
Introduction to Microprocessors 838
Making an Impact 840
17-l Microcomputer Basics 841
17-1-1 Hardware 841
17-1-2 Software 844
l7-2 A Microcomputer System 851
17-2-1 Theory of Operation 851
l7-2-2 Troubleshooting Microprocessor Systems 875
SAM (Simplified All-purpose Microcomputer)
Schematic Diagram 889
A Xilinx HDL Alternative and FPGA Tutorial 893
B Altera HDL Alternative 930
C Answers to Self-Test Review Questions 979
D Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems 985
Index 991