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定 价:¥42.00

作 者: 耿俊英
出版社: 新世界出版社
丛编项: 英文
标 签: 药学


ISBN: 9787800051197 出版时间: 1998-01-01 包装: 简裝本
开本: 32开 页数: 287 字数:  




  Dr. Geng Junying brings over twenty-fivc ycars of experience to this, his most recent work oo tradition- al Chinese medicine. Dr. Geng is an Associate Pro- fessor and the Deputy Dircctor of thc Acupuncturc Department at the Beijing Collcgc of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has spent virtually his entire career at this prcstigious college, where he has been teaching, researching, and conducting clinical prac- tice since his graduation in 1964. His publications in Chinese include Studies of tht Five Tastes of Herbs, Contraindications and Interdependence in Herbal For- mulas, and Cbinese Moxibustion Tberapy. In English, he has co-authored four volumes in this five-volumc series-Basic Thtories and Principles, Acupuncturt and Moxibustion, Mldicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulas. Forthcoming Titles on TRADmONAL CHINESE MEDICINE TRADITIONAL CHIlNESE MEDICINE AND PHARMACOLOGY-A Textbook for Foreign Students at Colleges of Traditional Chinese Medicine Compiled by State Administration for Traditional Chinese Medicine This is the flrst official textbook put out by the Chmese State Administration for Traditional ( Continued on back flap )


CONTENTS Preface Chapter One GENERAL INTRODUCTION I. The Properties and Functions of Chinese Herbs II. The Application of Herbs Chapter Two HERBS I. Herbs That Release Exterior Syndrome a) Warm-pungent Herbs That Release Exterior Syndrome 1. Ephedra (Mahuang); 2. Cinnamon twigs (Guizhi); 3a. Perilla leaf (Zisuye); 3b. Perilla stem (Sugeng); 4a. Fresh ginger (Shengjiang); 4b. Fresh ginger skin (Shengjiangpi); 5. Elsholtzia (Xiangru); 6. Schizonepeta (Jingjie); 7. Ledebouriella root (Fangfeng); 8. Notopterygium root (Qianghuo); 9. Dahu- rian angelica root (Baizhi); 10. Ligusticum root (Gaoben); 11. Xanthium fruit (Cang'erzi); 12. Magnolia flower (Xinyi); 13. Chinese green onion (Congbai); 14. Coriander (Husui); 15. Tamariks tops (Chengliu) b) Cool-pungent Herbs That Release Exterior Syndrome 16. Mentha (Bohe); 17. Arctium fruit (Niubangzi); 18. Cicada slough (Chan- tui); 19. Prepared soybean (Douchi); 20. Mulberry leaf (Sangye); 21a. Chry- santhemum flower (Juhua); 21b. Wild chrysanthemum flower (Yejuhua); 22. Chastetree fruit (Manjingzi); 23a. Pueraria root (Gegen); 2313. Pueraria flower (Gehua); 24. Bupleurum root (Chaihu); 25. Cimicifuga rhizome (Shengma); 26. Spirodela (Fuping); 27. Shave grass (Muzei) II. Herbs That Clear Heat a) Herbs That Clear Heat and Reduce Fire 28. Gypsum (Shigao); 29. Anemarrhena rhizome (Zhimu); 30. Reed root (Lugen); 31. Trichosanthes root (Tianhuafen); 32. Bamboo leaf (Zhuye); 33. Lophatherum (Danzhuye); 34. Capejasmine (Zhizi); 35. Prunella spike (Xia- kucao); 36. Pipewort (Gujingcao); 37. Butterflybush flower (Mimenghua); 38. Celosia seed (Qingxiangzi) b) Herbs That Clear Heat and Dry Dampness 39. Scutellaria root (Huangqin); 40. Coptis root (Huanglian); 41. Phelloden- dron bark (Huangbai); 42. Chinese gentian (Longdancao); 43. Flavescent sophora root (Kushen) c) Herbs That Clear Heat and Cool Blood 44. Rhinoceros horn (Xijiao); 45. Fresh rehmannia root (Shengdihuang); 46. Scrophularia (Xuanshen); 47. Moutan bark (Mudanpi); 48. Red peony (Chi- shao); 49. Arnebia (Zicao) d) Herbs That Clear Heat and Release Toxins 50a. Honeysuckle flower (Jinyinhua); 5013. Honeysuckle stem (Rendong- teng); 51. Forsythia fruit (Lianqiao); 52. Dandelion herb (Pugongying); 53. Viola (Zihuadiding); 54. Isatis leaf (Daqingye); 55. Ox gallstone (Niuhuang); 56. Houttuynia (Yuxingcao); 57. Dittany bark (Baixianpi); 58. Globethistle (Loulu); 59. Natural indigo (Qingdai); 60. Pulsatilla root (Baitouwcng); 61. Portulaca (Machixian); 62. Green chiretta (Chuanxinlian) e) Herbs That Clear Heat Caused by Yin Defidency 63. Sweet wormwood (Qinghao); 4. Swallowwort root (Baiwei); 65. Wolf- berry bark (Digupi); 66. Stellaria root (Yinchaihu) III. Purgative Herbs a)Herbs That Purge 67. Rhubarb (Dahuang); 68 Glauber's salt (Mangxiao); 69. Senna leaf (Fan- xieye); 70. Aloes (Luhui) b) Herbs That Lubricate the Intestines 71. Hemp seed (Huomaren); 72. Bush-cherry seed (Yuliren) c) Herbs That Transform Water 73. Genkwa flower (Yuanhua); 74. Kansui root (Gansui); 75. Pcking spurge root (Daji); 76. Croton seed (Badou) IV. Herbs That Expel Wind and Dampness 77. Pubescent angelica root (Duhuo); 78. Clematis root (Weilingxian); 79. Tetrandra root (Fangji); 80. Large-leaf gentian root (Qinjiao); 81. Siegesbec- kia (Xixiancao); 82. Glorybower leaf (Chouwutong); 83. Chaenomeles fruit (Mugua); 84. Chinese starjasmine (Luoshiteng); 85. Paniculate swallowwort root (Xuchangqing); 86. Mulberry twigs (Sangzhi); 87. Mulberry mistletoe (Sangjisheng); 88. Acanthopanax bark (Wujiapi); 89. Tiger's bone (Hugu); 90. Erythrina bark (Haitongpi); 91. Silkworm excrement (Cansha); 92. Hairy birthwort (Xungufeng); 93. Futokadsura stem (Haifengteng); 94. Homalo- mena rhizome (Qiannianjian); 95. Pine nodular branch (Songjie) V. Aromatic Herbs That Transform Dampness 96. Atractylodes rhizome (Cangzhu); 97. Magnolia bark houpo); 98. Agas- tache (Huoxiang); 99. Eupatorium (Peilan); lOOa. Amomum fruit (Sharen); lOOb. Amomum shell (Sharenqiao); 101. Round cardamom seed (Baidou- kou); 102. Katsumadai seed (Caodoukou); 103. Tsaoko (Caoguo) VI. Herbs That Benefit Urination and Drain Dampness 104. Poria (Fuling); 105. Umbellate pore-fungus (Zhuling); 106. Alismatis rhizome (Zexie); 107. Coix seed (Yiyiren); 108. Plantain seed (Cheqian- zi); 109. Talc (Huashi); 110. Clematis stem (Mutong); 111. Ricepaper pith (Tongcao); 112. Lysimachia (Jinqiancao); 113. Lygodium spores (Haijinsha); 114. Pyrrosia leaf (Shiwei); 115. Hypoglauca yam (Bixie); 116. Oriental wormwood (Yinchenhao); 117. Broom cypress fruit (Difuzi); 118a. Benin- casa peel (Dongguapi); 118b. Benincasa seed (Dongguaren); 119. Calabash gourd (Hulu); 120. Phaseolus seed (Chixiaodou); 121. Common knotgrass (Bianxu); 122. Pink (Qumai); 123. Abutilon (Dongkuizi) VII. Herbs That Warm the Interior 124. Prepared aconite root (Fuzi); 125. Dried ginger (Ganjiang); 126. Cinna- mon bark (Rougui); 127. Evodia fruit (Wuzhuyu); 128. Asarum herb (Xixin); 129. Prickly ash peel (Huajiao); 130. Cloves (Dingxiang); 131. Galangal rhizome (Gaoliangjiang); 132. Fennel fruit (Xiaohuixiang) VIII. Herbs That Regulate Qi 133 Tangerine peel (Chenpi); 134 Green tangerine peel (Qingpi); 135 Immature bitter orange (Zhishi); 136. Finger citron (Foshou); 137. Citron (Xiangyuan); 138. Costus root (Muxiang); 139. Cyperus tuber (Xiangfu); 140. Lindera root (Wuyao); 141. Eagle wood (Chenxiang); 142. Sichuan china- berry (Chuanlianzi); 143. Macrostem onion (Xiebai); 144. Sandalwood (Tan- xiang); 145. Persimmon calyx (Shidi); 146. Rose (Meiguihua); 147. Mume flower (Lu'emei) K. Herbs That Relieve Food Stagnation 148. Hawthorn fruit (Shanzha); 149. Medicated leaven (Shenqu); 150. Ger- minated barley (Maiya); 151. Germinated millet (Guya); 152. Radish seed (Laifuzi); 153. Chicken gizzard skin (Jineijin) X. Herbs That Expel Parasites 154. Quisqualis fruit (Shijunzi); 155. Chinaberry bark (Kulianpi); 156. Areca seed (Binglang); 157. Pumpkin seed (Nanguazi); 158. Agrimonia bud (He- caoya); 159. Omphalia (Leiwan); 160. Carpesium fruit (Heshi); 161. Torrya seed (Feizi); 162. Basket fern (Guanzhong) XI. Herbs That Stop Bleeding 163. Japanese thistle (Daji); 164. Small thistle (Xiaoji); 165. Burnet root (Diyu); 166. Imperata rhizome (Baimaogen); 167. Sophora flower (Huaihua); 168. Biota tops (Cebaiye); 169. Agrimony (Xianhecao); 170. Bletilla tuber (Baiji); 171. Carbonized petiole ofwindmill palm (Zonglutan); 172. Carbon- ized human hair (Xueyutan); 173a. Notoginseng (Sanqi); 17313. Gynurasege- tum (Juyesanqi); 173c. Sedum (Jingtiansanqi); 174. Rubia root (Qiancao); 175. Cattail pollen (Puhuang); 176. Ophicalcite (Huaruishi); 177. Mugwort leaf (Aiye); 178. Lotus node (Oujie) XII. Herbs That Invigorate Blood and Resolve Blood Stagnation 179. Chuanxiong rhizome (Chuanxiong); 180. Frankincense (Ruxiang); 181. Myrrh (Moyao); 182. Corydalis Tuber (Yanhusuo); 183. Curcuma root (Yujin); 184. Turmeric (Jianghuang); 185. Zedoary (Ezhu); 186. Burreed tuber (Sanleng); 187. Red sage root (Danshen); 188. Motherwort (Yimucao); 189. Spatholobus stem (Jixueteng); 190. Peach seed (Taoren); 19la. Safflow- er (Honghua); 191b. Saffron (Fanhonghua); 192. Cyathula root (Niuxi); 193. Pangolin scales (Chuanshanjia); 194. Cockroach (Chechong); 195. Leech (Shuizhi); 196. Gadfly (Mengchong); 197. Dalbergia wood (Jiangxiang); 198. Bugleweed (Zelan); 199. Chinese rose flower (Yuejihua); 200. Campsis flower (Lingxiaohua); 201. Vaccaria seed (Wangbuliuxing); 202. Siphonos- tegia (Liujinu); 203. Sappan wood (Sumu); 204. Dragon's blood (Xuejie) XIII. Herbs That Resolve Phlegm and Stop Cough and Asthma 205. Pinellia tuber (Banxia); 206a. Arisaema tuber (Tiannanxing); 206b. Arisaema tuber with bile (Dannanxing); 207. Typhonium tuber (Baifuzi); 208. White mustard seed (Baijiezi); 209. Platycodon root (Jiegeng); 210. Inula flower (Xuanfuhua); 211. Swallowwort rhizome (Baiqian); 212. Peucedanum root (Qianhu); 213. Trichosanthes fruit (Gualou); 214. Tendrilled fritillary bulb (Chuanbeimu); 215. Bamboo shavings (Zhuru); 216. Bamboo juice (Zhuli); 217. Costazia bone (Haifushi); 218. Sea Clam shell (Haigeqiao); 219. Seaweed (Haizao); 220. Laminaria (Kunbu); 221. Boat sterculia seed (Pang- dahai); 222. Dichrqa root (Changshan); 223. Ark shell (Walengzi); 224a. Apricot seed (Xingren); 22413. Sweet apricot seed (Tianxingren); 225. Ste- mona root (Baibu); 226. Aster root (Ziwan); 227. Coltsfoot flower (Kuan- donghua); 228. Perilla seed (Suzi); 229. Mulberry bark (Sangbaipi); 230. Lepidium seed (Tinglizi); 231. Datura flower (Yangjinhua); 232. Loquat leaf (Pipaye); 233. Birthwort fruit (Madouling); 234. Ginkgo seed (Baiguo) XIV. Herbs That Tranquilize the Mind 235. Dragon's bone (Longgu); 236. Amber (Hupo); 237. Wild jujube seed (Suanzaoren); 238. Arborvitae seed (Baiziren); 239. Polygala root (Yuanzhi); 240. Albizia bark (Hehuanpi) XV. Herbs That Pacify the Liver and Subdue Endogenous Wind 241. Antelope horn (Lingyangjiao); 242. Sea-ear shell (Shijueming); 243. Oyster shell (Muli); 244. Mother-of-pearl (Zhenzhumu); 245. Purple cowrie shell (Zibeichi); 246. Red ochre (Daizheshi); 247. Uncaria stem (Gouteng); 248. Gastrodia tuber (Tianma); 249. Tribulus fruit (Baijili); 250. Cassia seed (Juemingzi); 251. Scorpion (Quanxie); 252. Centipede (Wugong); 253. White-stiff silkworm (Baijiangcan); 254. Earthworm (Dilong); 255. Dogbane (Luobuma) XVI. Herbs That Open the Orifices 256. Musk (Shexiang); 257. Borneol (Bingpian); 258 Storax (Suhexiang); 259. Grass-leaved sweetflag (Shichangpu) XVII. Herbs That Tonify Deficiencies a) Herbs That Tonify Qi 260. Ginseng (Renshen); 261. American ginseng (Xiyangshen); 262. Pilose asiabell root (Dangshen); 263. Pseudostellaria root (Taizishen); 264. Astra- galus root (Huangqi); 265. White atractylodes (Baizhu); 266. Dioscorea (Shanyao); 267. Hyacinth bean (Biandou); 268. Licorice root (Gancao); 269. Jujube (Dazao) b) Herbs That Tonify Yang 270a. Pilose antler (Lurong); 27013. Antler (Lujiao), Antler glue (Lujiaojiao) and Deglued antler powder (Lujiaoshuang); 271. Morinda root (Bajitian); 272. Cistanche (Roucongrong); 273. Curculigo rhizome (Xianmao); 274. Epimedium (Yinyanghuo); 275. Eucommia bark (Duzhong); 276. Teasel root (Xuduan); 277. Cibot rhizome (Gouji); 278. Drynaria (Gusuibu); 279. Psora- lea (Buguzhi); 280. Bitter cardamom (Yizhiren); 281. Cordyceps (Dong- chongxiacao); 282. Gecko (Gejie); 283. Walnut seed (Hutaoren); 284. Dodder seed (Tusizi); 285. Flattened milkvetch seed (Shayuanzi); 286. Dog testis (Huanggoushen); 287. Chinese chive seed (Jiuzi); 288. Cnidium fruit (She- chuangzi) c) Herbs That Tonify the Blood 289. Chinese angelica root (Danggui); 290. Prepared rehmannia root (Shu- dihuang); 291. Fleeceflower root (Heshouwu); 292. White peony root (Bai- shao); 293. Donkey hide gelatin (Ejiao); 294. Longan aril (Longyanrou) d) Herbs That Tonify Yin 295. Glehnia root (Shashen); 296. Ophiopogon root (Maidong); 297. Aspa- ragus root (Tianmendong); 298. Dendrobium (Shihu); 299. Fragrant solo- monseal rhizome (Yuzhu); 300. Sichuan solomonseal (Huangjing); 301. Lily bulb (Baihe); 302. Wolfberry fruit (Gouqizi); 303. Mulberry (Sangshen); 304. Eclipta (Mohanlian); 305. Grossy privet fruit (Nuzhenzi); 306. Tortoise plastron (Guiban); 307. Turtle shell (Biejia); 308. Black sesame seed (Hei- zhima) XVIII. Astringent Herbs 309. Schisandra fmit (Wuweizi); 310. Black plum (Wumei); 311. Light wheat (Fuxiaomai); 312. Ephedra root (Mahuanggen); 313. Ailanthus bark (Chun- pi); 314. Chebula fruit (Hezi); 315. Nutmeg (Roudoukou); 316. Poppy capsule (Yingsuqiao); 317. Lotus seed (Lianzi); 318. Euryale seed (Qianshi); 319. Dogwood fmit (Shanzhuyu); 320. Cherokee rose hips (Jinyingzi); 321. Mantis egg case (Sangpiaoxiao); 322. Cuttlefish bone (Wuzeigu) Appendix. I. Index of the Serial Medicinal Herbs II. A List of Applicable Formulas III. Bibliography
