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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术医学中国医学针灸穴位层次解剖图谱



定 价:¥140.00

作 者: 高华龄
出版社: 外文出版社
丛编项: 英文
标 签: 针灸推拿学

ISBN: 9787119017532 出版时间: 1999-01-01 包装: 精裝本
开本: 大16开 页数: 151 字数:  






   Part 1
    Fig. 1(1) The nomenclature, gauge and diameter of the needle appar-
    Fig. 1 (2) The cun and finger measurement on body for acupuncture-
    Fig. 2(1) The commonly used postures of the patient for acupuncture-
    Fig. 2 (2) The directions for needle insertion
    Fig. 3 The osseous and muscular landmarks on the anterior surface of
    the body
    Fig. 4 The osseous and muscular landmarks on the posterior surface of
    the body
    Fig. 5 The osseous and muscular landmarks on the lateral surface of
    the body
    Fig. 6 The segmental skin nerve distribution on the anterior aspect of
    the body
    Fig. 7 The segmental skin nerve distribution on the posterior aspect of
    the body
    Appendix 1: The courses, the nomenclature of the points and indications
    of the fourteen meridians
    Fig. 8 The skin and points on the craniofacial region
    Fig. 9 The muscles and points on the craniofacial region
    Fig. 10 The blood vessels, nerves and points on the craniofacial region
    Fig. 11 The skeleton and points on the craniofacial region
    Fig. 12 The skin and points on the posterior of head
    Fig. 13 The muscles and points on the posterior of head
    Fig. 14 The blood vessels, nerves and points on the posterior of head
    Fig. 15 The skeleton and points on the posterior of head
    Fig. 16 The skin and points on the right aspect of the cephalocervix
    Fig. 17 The muscles and points on the right aspect of the cephalocervix
    Fig. 18 The blood vessels, nerves and points on the right aspect of the
    Fig. 19 The skeleton and points on the right aspect of the cephalocervix
    Fig. 20 The skin and points on the anterior aspect of the trunk
    Fig. 21 The muscles and points on the anterior aspect of the trunk
    Fig. 22 The blood vessels, nerves and points on the anterior aspect of
    the trunk
    Fig. 23 The organs and points on the anterior aspect of the trunk
    Fig. 24 The skeleton and points on the anterior aspect of the trunk
    Fig. 25 The skin and points on the posterior aspect of the trunk
    Fig. 26 The muscles and points on the posterior aspect of the trunk
    Fig. 27 The blood vessels, nerves and points on the posterior aspect of
    the trunk
    Fig. 28 The organs and points of the posteiror aspect of the trunk
    Fig. 29 The skeleton and points on the posterior aspect of the trunk
    Fig. 30 The skin and points on the right aspect of the trunk
    Fig. 31 The muscles and points on the right aspect of the trunk
    Fig. 32 The blood vessels, nerves and points on the right aspect of the
    Fig. 33 The organs and points on the right aspect of the trunk
    Fig. 34 The skeleton and points on the right aspect of the trunk
    Fig. 35 The skin and points on the anterior aspect of the right upper
    Fig. 36 The muscles and points on the anterior aspect of the right upper
    Fig. 37 The blood vessels nerves and points on the anterior aspect of
    the right upper limb
    Fig. 38 The skeleton and points on the anterior aspect of the right upper
    Fig. 39 The skin and points on the posterior aspect of the right upper
    Fig. 40 The muscles and points on the posterior aspect of the right
    upper limb
    Fig. 41 The blood vessels, nerves and points on the posterior aspect of
    the right upper limb
    Fig. 42 The skeleton and points on the posterior aspect of the right
    upper limb
    Fig. 43 The skin and points on the lateral aspect of the right upper limb
    Fig. 44 The muscles and points on the lateral aspect of the right upper
    Fig. 45 The blood vessels, nerves and points on the lateral aspect of the
    right upper limb
    Fig. 46 The skeleton and points on the lateral aspect of the right upper
    Fig. 47 The skin and points on the anterior aspect of the right lower
    Fig. 48 The muscles and points on the anterior aspect of the right lower
    Fig. 49 The blood vessels nerves and points on the anterior aspect of
    the right lower limb
    Fig. 50 The skeleton and points on the anterior aspect of the right lower
    Fig. 51 The skin and points on the posterior aspect of the right lower
    Fig. 52 The muscles and points on the posterior aspect of the right
    lower limb
    Fig. 53 The blood vessels nerves and points on the posterior aspect of
    the right lower limb
    Fig. 54 The skeleton and points on the posterior aspect of the right
    lower limb
    Fig. 55 The skin and points on the lateral aspect of the right lower limb
    Fig. 56 The muscles and points on the lateral aspect of the right lower
    Fig. 57 The blood vessels, nerves and points on the lateral aspect of the
    right lower limb
    Fig. 58 The skeleton and points on the lateral aspect of the right lower
    Fig. 59 The skin and points on the medial aspect of the right lower limb
    Fig. 60 The muscles and points on the medial aspect of the right lower
    Fig. 61 The blood vessels, nerves and points on the medial aspect of the
    right lower limb
    Fig. 62 The skeleton and points on the medial aspect of the right lower
    Fig. 63 (1) The skin and points on the anterior aspect of the auricle
    Fig. 63 (2) The veins and points on the anterior aspect of the auricle
    Fig. 63 (3) The arteries, nerves and points on the anterior aspect of the
    Fig. 64 (1) The skin and points on the posterior aspect of the auricle
    Fig. 64 (2) The arteries nerves and points on the posterior aspect of
    the auricle
    Fig. 64 (3) The veins and points on the posterior aspect of the auricle
    Fig. 65 (1) The distribution of the points on the anterior aspect of
    the auricle
    Fig 65 (2) The distribution of the points on the posterior aspect of the
    Appendix 2: The points of the fourteen meridians, the location, the
    posture of the patient, the direction, angle and depth of insertion
    of the needle, and the indications
    Appendix 3: Precautions in acupuncture treatment
    Appendix 4: The selected points in acupuncture treatment of common
