IntroductionAcupuncture and Moxibustion, one of the five books in the PracticalTraditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology series, is intended toacupuncture practitioners and students. Instead of expounding largelyand copiously on acupuncture theories and principles, we stressed inthe book more on its practical value and applicability than theoreticalexplorations. It is mainly of our personal experiences accumulatedfrom years of teaching and clinical practice.The book is divided into three chapters. The first chapter introd-uces the most essential and practical techniques as well as the pointswhich merit special attention in applying acupuncture treatments. Thesecond chapter is devoted to the most commonly used acupoints.With a view to practicability and convenience, we have not onlyexplained the location, function, pathological indications of each pointas almost all books on acupuncture do, but also provided detailedinformation on the main points to be combined with the current pointin treating different types of diseases as well as point variations for thedifferent syndromes of the same disease. Notes are made also to theneedling method for each point. The third chapter deals withacupuncture treatments of common diseases. Again in order to makethe book more practical and convenient for clinical use, we did notfollow the conventional practice of merely mentioning the syndromesand listing the points. Instead we first differentiated each case todetermine the nature of its syndrome type as a doctor of traditionalChinese medicine would have done in the clinic. That is to determinewhether the syndromes are of the yin, yang, xu, or shi type. Thendifferent methods as well as their purpose and functions are suggestedfor each type. We personally used all these treatments and found themvery effective. In fact, so wonderfully effective are some of themethods that the patients thought we had played magic on them. Casestudies are given to the specially effective cases.We sincerely hope it will be of help to those who work in this field.