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定 价:¥98.00

作 者: 张蕴岭 郭卫红
出版社: 社会科学文献出版社
丛编项: 英文版
标 签: 世界政治

ISBN: 9787801494146 出版时间: 2000-01-01 包装: 简裝本
开本: 大16开 页数: 261 字数:  


  编辑推荐:We are living in a changing world.In such a world,lots of new challenges are confronting us.Among them,one makes us concern most:whether we can live in a peaceful world in 21 century? The past century experienced two world wars with great number of people died.The Cold War brought us fierce confrontation between the two blocs led by two superpowers.The world was driven to such a dangerous end that nuclear warheads built up could even destroy the whole human beings though such war was not broken out ,fortunately not.




Part I Post Cold War Order and Four Big Powers
Whither the World Order?
Zhang Yunling
China,US,Japan and Russia:Common Interests and Conflicts
Qian Wenrong
PART II Bilateral Relations
Sino-U.S.Relations in Transformation
Nin Jun
China and the U.S.:Defining the Constructive Strategic
Gaye Christoffersen
Part III Four Big Powers in the Region
China,US,Japan and Russia in Northeast Asia
Piao Jianyi
Japan''s Diplomacy in North East Asia
Tomoyuki Kojima
Great Powers'' Interests in Southeast Asia
Lu Jianren
South Asia and Major Powers
Liu Xuecheng
