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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语读物中国经济



定 价:¥54.00

作 者: 王梦奎
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
丛编项: 英文
标 签: 中国经济相关

ISBN: 9787508506340 出版时间: 2004-11-01 包装: 简裝本
开本: 大32开 页数: 187 字数:  


  since china started reform and opening to the outside world in 1978,its economy has succeeded in growing at an average annual increase of 90.000000or more thea 20 con-secutive years,thus making a miracleithe history of the world economy.china today has succeeded not only in resolving the problem of feeding and clothing a popula-tion of 1.3 billion people,but also in reaching aleve of initial prosperity.the chinese economy is increasingly becoming a driver to the economic development of the world.thes book intends to provide a general information of the chinese economy today,describe the achievments china has made in its economic restucturing and open-ing up in the development of rural and urban china,focusing on the changes that have taken place in the eco-nomic life of the chinese people,looking into the present and future of china s manufacturing industry,analyzing different views and comments of economists abroad on china s economy and tryig to help people across the world know better the great and profound chang es the chinese economy is undergoing.




china s course of modernization and its outlook
economic restructuring-from planned economy to market economy
opening ot the outside world-a switch from an inward-looking economy to an open economy
development and reform of china s rural economy
urbanization-a major strategy for economic development
the so-called “world manufcturing center”
ten major changes in chinese common people s life
overseas comments on chinese economy
