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定 价:¥11.00

作 者: 李建华
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
丛编项: 大学生英语活页文选
标 签: 行业英语 外语 科技英语


ISBN: 9787810957144 出版时间: 2005-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 122 字数:  






In Praise of Family Poultry
Invite Kitty to Our House
For the Love of Companion Bird
Caring for Your Cat
The Fun of Feeding Hummingbirds
The Great Escape
Insect Aggregations: The Phenomenon Itself, Why It Occurs, and Its Implications to Us,
New Insect Order Found in Southern Africa
Weed Wars
Summer's Worst Pests
How to Protect Your Fruit Trees
The Last Beach Chimp Comes to Monkey World
Backyard Wildlife: Making It Come Alive
The Incredible World of Mammals
Fall Is for Pumpkins
Protecting the Food chain
For You, the Consumer
Short Apple Trees, Faster and Healthier
Of Fuzzy Moth and "Food Security" .
Coming to Terms with the Problem of Global Meat
Cattle Futures?
Fertilizer and the Future
Construction Damage: Causes and Remedies
Friendly Burial
Rethinking Higher Agricultural Education
New Farmers and New Farming
The Pros and Cons of Modern Farming
Same Bugs, New Business
Plastic Mulch : Harmful or Helpful?
Information Technology: What It Means for Agriculture Situation and Emerging Developments
Key to Exercises
