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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语特色英语英语新概念阅读.第8册



定 价:¥17.50

作 者: 巴顿
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
标 签: 新概念英语


ISBN: 9787810953269 出版时间: 2004-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 188 字数:  






To the Teacher
Steps for the Reader
Vocabulary Words and Definitions
Concept h Change May Produce
Unexpected Results
Shaped Like a Pear
Having Their Say
Four Clues from Jupiter
Seeing from Space
The Rabbit Invasion
Don't Tell Her It Can't Be Done
Failure to Understand
Democracy Comes to India
Window to the West
The Price of Victory
The Farms That Blew Away
Of Time and the Railroads
When the Mississippi Flowed
The Now-and-Then Island
One Word and a World of Difference
The Theory That Exploded
From Planes to Trains
Seeing by Computer
From Campfire to Museum
Packaging Art
The Remarkable Thermothrockle
Concept II: Some Changes Are
Planned; Others Are Accidental
The Long Exile
The Luck of Cortez
Learning About Mars and Venus
Explorer 1 Saves the Day
Fuel in the Cornfield
Runaway Plant
The Leakeys' African Discoveries
The Vanished Mandans
A New Flag for an Old Colony
Boom to Bust, 1929 to 1933
Frozen in Time
Mexico's Lost Lakes
Fighting Fog
An Undersea Mystery
The Speed of Electronic Thought
A Country in Transition
A Chemist Finds a Way
A Lucky Accident
Artists of the North
A New Craft for the Navaho
The Sun Sisters
Concept III: Modern Ways of
Life Require Planned Changes
History at Your Fingertips
African Americans in Our Past
Conquering Math Anxiety
Cooperation in Space
Farm-Fresh Fish
Pollution Is Everybody's Business
Cultures in Conflict
The Many Voices of India
Up by Their Bootstraps
A Working Partnership
Eyes in the Sky
A Harvest for the Future
More Than Flood Control
The River That Won't Be
How Long Is a Meter?
Guessing the Unknown
Chunneling Through
Planning for Safety
Nature Is Their Enemy
Putting the Arts Together
The Sword of Light
Concept IV: Where Might
Change Take Us?
One Man's Peaceful War
New Frontier Underwater
Looking Outward
Workhorse in Space
New Medicines from the Sea
Reviving an American Icon
Faraway Places Just Like Home
Taller or Smaller?
Electronic Money
Automation vs. People
Farms in Space
Changing a Sea into a Lake
Running Out of Steam
Sharing Antarctica
Games Mathematicians Play
The Speed-Up That Will Slow Time
Say Good-bye to Traffic Jams
The Three R's for the Next
Millennium-Reduce, Reuse,
Art--But What Kind
A Musical Revolution
