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Progress in Safety Science and Technology英文版

Progress in Safety Science and Technology英文版

定 价:¥800.00

作 者: 黄平
出版社: 科学出版社
标 签: 自然科学总论


ISBN: 9787030143860 出版时间: 2004-11-01 包装: 精装
开本: A4 页数: 3085 字数:  


  This monograph is the Proceedings of the 2004 International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology (2004 ISSST). Collected in this volume are 549 papers from 16 countries and regions. These papers cover the following aspects: Theories and Methods Numerical Simulation; Prevention of Fire, Explosion, Dust and Ventilation; Safety Management, Education and Training; and Miscellaneous. Many novel research results on safety science and technology achieved during the last few years are mentioned in the proceedings.


暂缺《Progress in Safety Science and Technology英文版》作者简介


Part A
Section one theories and methods of safety science
Establishing Professional Degree of Master of Safety Administration (MSA) and Raising Safety Status
National Securities Oriented Development of Mining Cities in China
Study on Countermeasures for safety Management in China''s Township Coal Mines
Statistical Analysis of Accidents in Countrywide Coal Mine in 2002-2003
Analysis of Current Situation of Chinese Collieries and Some Countermeasures
Study of System Boundary Security Management Model Based on Periphery (Jieke) Theory
Inner and Outer Relationship of Enterprise Work Safety
Research on Universal Law of Evolving from Environmental Risk to Environmental Pollution Accident
