本书收集了526个汉字的甲骨文字型,并配以形象的图形以及文字(英文)说明,生动形象地揭示了汉字的起源和发展变化,是外国留学生和对汉字有兴趣的国外友人学习了解汉字的通俗读物。本书为英文版。This book lists 526 Chinese characters,, each of which is accompanied by a short article and an illustration which vividly depict the origin and evolution of the character. The characters in this book have been divided into three partsaccording to their meanings. The first part relates to human beings, the second is about nature while the thirdconcerns life in general. The book ends with an index inwhich all, the characters listed in the book are arranged inthe order of the Chinese phonetic alphabet. The index willhelp readers easily find the character they are looking for.