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定 价:¥15.00

作 者: 孔繁萍
出版社: 东北大学
标 签: 综合英语

ISBN: 9787811021585 出版时间: 2005-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 132 字数:  






Unit 1 College
Part I Tapescripts and Key for Listening and Speaking Book
Part Ⅱ Key for Reading and Writing Book
Part Ⅲ Comprehensive Exercises
Unit 2 Family
Part I Tapescripts and Key for Listening and Speaking Book
Part Ⅱ Key for Reading and Writing Book
Part Ⅲ Comprehensive Exercises
Unit 3 Shopping
Part I Tapescripts and Key for Listening and Speaking Book
Part Ⅱ Key for Reading and Writing Book
Part Ⅲ Comprehensive Exercises
Unit 4 Weather and Climate
Part I Tapescripts and Key for Listening and Speaking Book
Part Ⅱ Key for Reading and Writing Book
Part Ⅲ Comprehensive Exercises
Unit 5 Travel
Part I Tapescripts and Key for Listening and Speaking Book
Part Ⅱ Key for Reading and Writing Book
Part Ⅲ Comprehensive Exercises
Unit 6 Happiness
Part I Tapescripts and Key for Listening and Speaking Book
Part Ⅱ Key for Reading and Writing Book
Part Ⅲ Comprehensive Exercises
Unit 7 Friendship
Part I Tapescripts and Key for Listening and Speaking Book
Part Ⅱ Key for Reading and Writing Book
Part Ⅲ Comprehensive Exercises
Unit 8 Celebration of Holidays
Part I Tapescripts and Key for Listening and Speaking Book
Part Ⅱ Key for Reading and Writing Book
Part Ⅲ Comprehensive Exercises
Unit 9 Sports and Hobbies
Part I Tapescripts and Key for Listening and Speaking Book
Part Ⅱ Key for Reading and Writing Book
Part Ⅲ Comprehensive Exercises
Unit 10 Food and Drink
Part I Tapescripts and Key for Listening and Speaking Book
Part Ⅱ Key for Reading and Writing Book
Part Ⅲ Comprehensive Exercises
