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作 者: 舒白梅
出版社: 华中师范大学出版社
丛编项: 课程教育学丛书
标 签: 英语教学方法研究

ISBN: 9787562230373 出版时间: 2005-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大32开 页数: 366 字数:  






Chapter 1 General Introduction
1.1 Background Knowledge of Language Teaching and Learning
1.1.1 Views of language
1.1.2 Views of teaching
1.1.3 Views of learning
1.2 Context of Language Teaching and Learning
1.2.1 Educational context
1.2.2 Socio-cultural context
1.2.3 Language context
1.3 A Brief History of ELT Methodology
1.3.1 The traditional approaehes
1.3.2 The structural approaches
1.3.3 Communicative Language Teaching
1.4 Summary
Questions and tasks
Chapter 2 Understanding Foreign Lauguage Learning
2.1 Second Language Acquisition Theories
2.1.1 Krashen's Theory of Second Language Acqdisttion
2.1.2 Acculturation Theory
2.1.3 Accommodation Theory
2.1.4 Discourse Theory
2.1.5 Interlanguage Theory
2.1.6 Chornsky's Universal Grammar
2.2 Learner Factors
2.2.1 Age
2.2.2 Aptitude
2.2.3 Learning styles
2.2.4 Personality
2.2.5 "Attitude
2.2.6 Motivation
2.3 Learning Strategies
2.3.1 Cognitive strategies
2.3.2 Metacognitive strategies
2.3.3 Social and affective _strategies
2.4 Good Language Learners
2.5 Summary
Questions and tasks
Chapter 3 Principles of Language Teaching and Learning
3.1 Curriculum Design
3.1.1 Curriculum and syllabus
3.1.2 Curriculum
3.1.3 Syllabus
3.2 Different Syllabuses
3.2.1 Analytic and synthetic syllabus
3.2.2 Type A and Type B syllabus
3.2.3 Structural syllabus
3.2.4 Functionat~syllabus
3.3 Principles of.Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
3, 3.1 Shift from product to process
3.3.2 Shift from teacher-centerdness to learner-centeredness
3.3.3 Shift from explanation to exploration
3.3.4 Shift from sentence to discourse
3.4 Aims and Objectives of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
3.4.1 Aims
3.4.2 Objectives
3.4.3 Guidelines
3.5 Summary
Questions and tasks
Chapter 4 Teaching and Learning Language Knowledge
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Form, meaning, and function
4.1.2 Relationships
4.1.3 Implications for language teaching and learning
4.2 Teaching and Learning Phonological Items
4.2.1 Fundamental issues
4.2.2 Basic concepts
4.2.3 Presenting phonological items
4.2.4 Practicing phonological items
4.2.5 Two sample activities
4.3 Tesching and Learning Lexical Items
4.3.1 Principles for presenting and practicing texical items
4.3.2 Showing meanings of a lexical item
4.3.3 Activating known vocabulary
4.3.4 Expanding vocabulary
4.4 Teaching and Learning Structural Items
4.4.1 Showing meaning of a new structure
4.4.2 Presenting the form of a new structure
4.4.3 Presenting functions of a new structure
4.4.4 Practicing ~truetures
4.5 Summary
Questions and treks
Chapter 5 Developing Language Skills
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Principles for Developing Receptive Skills
5.2.1 Guidelines
5.2.2 Sub-SkillS
5.2.3 Materials
5.3 Developing Listening Skill
5.3.1 Major difficulties in listening
5.3.2 Preparation for listening
5.3.3 Listening strategies
5.3.4 Listening activities
5.4 Developing Reading Skill
5.4.1 Reasons for reading
5.4.2 Reading strategies
5.4.3 Procedures for teaching a reading class
5.4.4 Reading activities
5.5 Principles for Developing Productive Skills
5.5.1 Nature of communication
5.5.2 Guidelines
5.5.3 Differences betweeen oral and written communication
5.6 Developing Speaking Skill
5.6.1 Preparation for oral communication
5.6.2 Speaking activities
5.7 Developing Writing Skill
5.7.1 Basic issues
5.7.2 Controlled writing, guided writing, and free writing
5.7.3 Procedures for teaching free writing
5.7.4 Creating good assignments for students
5.8 Integrating Skills
5.8.1 Reasons for integration
5.8.2 Examples of integration
5.9 Summary
Questions and tasks
Chapter 6 Intetractionin the Classroom
Chapter 7 Promoting Learner Autonomy
Chapter 8 Enhancing Teaching Performance
Chapter 9 Evaluating and Improving Learning Outcomes
Chapter 10 Developing Professional Expertise
