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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语特色英语新视野大学英语读写教程:磁带3盘(1)



定 价:¥21.00

作 者: 郑树棠
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
丛编项: 新视野大学英语
标 签: 大学英语

ISBN: 9787880121568 出版时间: 1900-01-01 包装:
开本: 页数: 字数:  






Unit 1Section A Learning a Foreign LanguageSection B Keys to Successful Online LearningSection C Teaching Children at HomeUnit 2Section A A Busy Weekday MorningSection B Parent TalkSection C Teenage TalkUnit 3Section A A Good Heart to Lean OnSection B The Right Son at the Right TimeSection C Love of LifeUnit 4Section A How to Make a Good ImpressionSection B Body LanguageSection C GesturesUnit 5Section A The Battle Against AIDSSection B The Last Dive at the OlympicsSection C International Joint Efforts Against AIDSUnit 6Section A The WidowSection B The TrashmanSection C My Moving ExperienceUnit 7Section A Face to Face with GunsSection B Should I Have a Gun?Section C A Bank RobberyUnit 8Section A Birth of Bright IdeasSection B Ways of Increasing CreativitySection C Great IdeasUnit 9Section A Looking to the 21st CenturySection B Trends for the 21st CenturySection C Lifestyles of the 21st CenturyUnit 10Section A Being Honest and OpenSection B Web Site Resources: The Best Aid for Cheating?Section C How not to Cheat?AppendixGlossaryWord Counting在线教学系统学生使用说明.
