KEY 1 Accounting is not a four-letter word
KEY 2 Financial statements rely on fact,not possibility
诀窍2: 财务报表依据的是事实而不是可能性
KEY 3 What's hanging in the balance sheet?
诀窍3: “资产负债表”里装些什么东西?
KEY 4 Take steps to understand the income statement
诀窍4: 努力理解“损益表”
KEY 5 Matching and adjusting the crux of accrual
诀窍 5: 配比与调整:权责发生制会计的关键
KEY 6 Who decides what finacial statements contain?
诀窍6: 谁决定财务报表的报告内容?
KEY 7 Where cash came from and where it went
KEY 8 Monetary matters need not be murky.Follow the cash
KEY 9 Keeping owners' claims straight
KEY 10 Don't ignore the fine print!
诀窍 10: 不要报表下端的注解:读一读报表脚注
KEY 11 What shapes a firm's financial reporting strategy?
诀窍 11:决定企业财务报告策略的因素是什么?
KEY 12 Financial reports are useful for both running and evaluating the company
诀窍 12:财务报告对经营企业和评估企业都有用
KEY 13 Financial statements have trouble measuring future opportunities properly
诀窍 13: 财务报表对未来机会的适当评估有些力不从心
KEY 14 You got the basics,so how are financial data used to compare one firm with another?
诀窍14: 懂得基本原理就可利用财务数字在企业间进行比较
KEY 15 Staying alive :analyzing finacial data to measure the health and firm
诀窍 15:生存:通过分析财务数据来徇企业的经营状况和自下而上能力suvivability of a
KEY 16 How great are the costs of inacial distress?
诀窍16: 财务困境的成本有多大?
KEY 17 Estimating the cost of using up productive capacity:depreciation
诀窍 17: 估计已使用生产能力的成本:折旧
KEY 18 Computing cost of goods sold ,and valuing invertory
诀窍18: 计算售后成本、估计存货价值
KEY 19 What do we have to pay?Accounting for taxes