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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语读物美国历史概况



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作 者: 范悦
出版社: 外经贸大学
标 签: 西方史

ISBN: 9787810786614 出版时间: 2006-06-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 16开 页数: 297 字数:  


  本书按年代顺序分十章介绍从殖民地时间到二十一世纪美国社会和历史的演变,每章都配有相关年代美国的社会简介,并精先四五篇文章介绍美国历史上的重大事件、热点话题和知名人物,以帮助读者进一步了解每一历史时期的政治、经济和文化背景。读者通过阅读本书,能理清美国历史发展的脉络,获得对美国历史全景式的认知,从而能更好地了解美国这个社会和文化多元的国家。 为使读者更好地理解和掌握各章的重点和难点,每章末尾还附了练习题和思考题。本书所选部分材料和文章都在相当程序上反映西方学者对美国的认识,希望读者对其思想内容持客观和公正的批判态度。




Part One The Colonial Period ( 1607 - 1776)
Sedion A Texts
I. The European Explorers
II. The British Colonies
Section B Supplementary Readings
Passage One Native Americans and Europeans
Passage Two Why Did They Come to America?
Passage Three Life in Colonial America
Passage Four The Evolution of Thanksgiving
Section C Exercises
Part Two The Revolutionary Period (1763 -1789)
Section A Texts
I. Conflict Between the American Colonies and the Mother Country
II. War for Independence
III. The New Constitution and Government
Section B Supplementary Readings
Passage One A Century of Imperial War
Passage Two The Issue of Representation
Passage Three Thomas Paine
Passage Four James Madison s Contribution to the Constitution
Passage Five The Independence Hall
Section C Exercises
Part Three The Young Republic ( 1790 - 1828)
Section A Texts
I. The washington Administration
II. The John Adams Administration
I!1. The Jefferson Administration
IV. The Madison Administration
V. The James Monroe Administration
VI. The John Quincy Adams Administration
Section B Supplementary Readings
Passage One Alexander Hamilton and Finance
in the Washington Administration
Passage Two The Louisiana Purchase
Passage Three Thomas Jefferson and the Louisiana Purchase
Passage Four The Monroe Doctrine
Section C Exercises
Part Four Western Expansion and Reform (1829 -1859)
Section A Texts
I. The Jackson Administration
II. Manifest Destiny and the Mexican American War
II1. The Gold Rush
IV. Movement to the West
V. Reform
VI. Slavery and the Drift Toward the Civil War
Section B Supplementary Readings
Passage One The Early Banking System
Passage Two The Indian Removal Act of 1830
Passage Three The Underground Railroad
Passage Four Harriet Tubman
Passage Five Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Passage Six  Horace Mann
Section C Exercises
Part Five The Civil War and Reconstruction (1860 -1877)
Section A Texts
I. The Civil War
II. Reconstruction
Section B Supplementary Readings
Passage One First Inaugural Address of Abraham Lincoln
Passage Two The Gettysburg Address
Passage Three Freedmen s Bureau
Passage Four Ku Klux Klan
Passage Five General Robert E. Lee
Section C Exercises
Part Six The Gilded Age (1865 -1900)
Section A Texts
I. Industrialization
II. Urbanization
III. Immigration
IV. The Rise of U. S. Imperialism
Section B Supplementary Readings
Passage One Immigration in the United States
Passage Two Tenements
Passage Three Rockefeller and Standard Oil —— Rags to Riches
Passage Four Yellow Journalism
Passage Five Joseph Pulitzer
Section C Exercises
Part Seven The Progressive Era and World War I (1890 -1917)
Section A Texts
I. The Progressive Movement
II. World War I
III. The End of the Progressive Agenda
Section B Supplementary Readings
Passage One Jane Addams
Passage Two The Spoils System Versus the Merit System
Passage Three American Life at the Turn of the Twentieth Century
Passage Four Theodore Roosevelt and Conservation
;Passage Five World War I on the Home Front
Passage Six  The,Federal Reserve System
Section C Exercises
Part Eight Prosperity and Depression ( 1918 - 1933)
section A Texts
I. Prosperity: the Roaring Twenties
II. The Great Depression
Section B Supplementary Readings
Passage One Henry Ford
Passage Two Prohibition
Passage Three F. Scott Fitzgerald and the American Dream
Passage Four Herbert Hoover
Section C Exercises
Part Nine The New Deal and World War 11 (1933 -1945)
Sedion A Texts
I. The New Deal
II. World War II
Section B Supplementary Readings
Passage One Social Security in the United States
Passage Two Isolationism
Passge Three The Cruel Injustice of Japanese Internment:
Camp Harmony
Passage Four The Dust Storm: Mass Exodus from the Plains
Sedion C Exercises
Part Ten The Modern Era (1946 - present)
Sedion A Texts
I. The United States in the 1950s
II. The United States in the 1960s
III. The United States in the 1970s
IV. The United States from 1980 to 2000
V. The United States Enters the 21st Century
Section B Supplementary Readings
Passage One The Truman Doctrine
Passage Two I Have a Dream
Passage Three Rosa Parks
Passage Four Malcom X
Section C Exercises
Appendix I:  Map of the United States
Appendix II: Outstanding Events in American History
Appendix m: Historical Documents
