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YUNNAN-Shangri-La over the Horizon

YUNNAN-Shangri-La over the Horizon

定 价:¥98.00

作 者: 云南省人民政府新闻办公室
出版社: 外文
丛编项: 全景中国从书
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787119040776 出版时间: 2006-01-01 包装: 简裝本
开本: 16开 页数: 267 字数:  


  云南是中国民族聚居最多也最为集中的一个省份,是多民族共生共荣、不同民族的生活形态和文化形态表现最为丰富最为独特的一个省份。这里遍布着神山圣水,远离尘嚣的古镇村落,雪峰掩映下的青青草地,月光照耀下的蓝色山谷,还有热带雨林的神奇浪漫。这里有古老的音乐和文字,神奇的舞蹈和习俗。不同民族的宗教信仰和生活习俗在这里交汇和融合,并保持了他们原生的形态,他们几千年来在这块土地上和睦相处,繁衍生息,从来没有纷争。这里就是云南,就是希尔顿笔下留给人们追寻、念想的“香格里拉”。Of all China's provinces,Yunnan is the one with the largest concentration of ethnic minority peoples. It is here in Yunnan that the mingling of different ethnic groups, their ways of life and their cultures are most richly and distinctively displayed.This is a land that abounds with sacred mountains and holy waters, quiet pristine hamlets and unpolluted old towns, verdant grasslands set off by snow mountains, quiet blue valleys in moonlight, and lush magical rainforests. The land also boasts its old music and written languages, mystical dances and customs. Different religions and folk traditions mingle here, all retaining their original character. For millennia different ethnic groups have lived and multiplied on this land in peace and harmony.


暂缺《YUNNAN-Shangri-La over the Horizon》作者简介


Hada from Buddha
Living in Paradise
Soul Pilgrimage
A Bird's Eye View of the Three Parallel Rivers
Another Sacred Place
Treasure Chest of History
Welcoming Bosom of the Old Town
The Ancient Tea and Horse Road
Ancient Dongba Culture
Ancient Naxi Music
Rendezvous by Lugu Lake
Ancient Capital at a Crossroads of Asian Culture
Between Men and Gods
Wind, Flowers, Snow, and Moon
Shibao Mountain
Menghua Town
Grand Canyon of the Orient
Dauntless People
Braves of Blades and Fire
Bathing in Natural Hot Springs
Sent by God
The Peacocks of Freedom
Last Words at Yunmen
The Peacocks of Freedom
One Hamlet Two Countries
Blessing of the Sacred Water
Religion Between Priestly and Secular
The Most Recently Confirmed Ethnic Group
The Sun's Red Girdle
Walking Along the Red River
The Yunnan-Vietnam Railroad
Hani Terraces
Galloping Red Bulls
World in a Gourd
Awa Mountains
The Mystery of the
Cangyuan Cliff Paintings
The Warm and Spontaneous Wa
Fragrant Land
Home of Eternal Spring
The West Mountain and Dianchi Lake
Meet the Great Zheng He
Visit Ashma
The Yunnan-Burma Road
——"The Last Land Route into China"
The Flving Tigers and the Hump Route
World Exposition
Mystic Land, Diverse Peoples
Bamei in Guangnan County-The "Peach Garden" in a Cave
Source of the Pearl River
The Yi Solar Calendar
Majestic Pass on the Wumeng Mountains
Ethnic Minorities Found Only in Yunnan
Appendix I: Ethnic Minority Festivals in Yunnan
Appendix II: Major Hotels in Yunnan
Appendix III: World Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites in Yunnan
Appendix IV: State-Level Scenic Spots in Yunnan
Appendix V: Famous State-Level Historical and Cultural Cities/Towns in Yunnan
Appendix VI: Related Websites
