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英语泛读教程(4 第二版)

英语泛读教程(4 第二版)

定 价:¥26.00

作 者: 刘乃银
出版社: 蓝色畅想
标 签: 英语

ISBN: 9787040185904 出版时间: 2006-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 160 字数:  




暂缺《英语泛读教程(4 第二版)》作者简介


Unit 1
1 Text Genius and the Craftsman
2 Testing Fsst Reading
3 Home Reading Reading: Basic Principles
Unit 2
1 Text The Population Surprise
2 Testing Fast Reading
3 Home Reading “Suppose the Whole World...”
Unit 3
1 Text Food Fight
2 Testing Fast Reading
3 Home Reading A Dinner @ Margaret’s
Unit 4
1 Text The 20th Century Time
2 Testing Fast Reading
3 Home Reading Albert Einstein
Unit 5
1 Text Toy Story
2 Testing Fast Reading
3 Home Reading Watch and Learn
Unit 6
1 Text Revision Time Goes Online
2 Testing Fast Reading
3 Home Reading Teach Yourself the Lot
Unit 7
1 Text Postmortem with Strings
2 Testing Fast Reading
3 Home Reading Pay Attenition, Rover
1 Text The Life of Samuel Johnson
2 Testing Fast Reading
3 Home Reading The Life and Letters of
Thomas Henry Huxley
Unit 9
1 Text The Archaeologist
Who Wouldn’t Dig
2 Testing Fast Reading
3 Home Reading History
Unit 10
1 Text Is Weather Getting Worse
2 Testing Fast Reading
3 Home Reading Basic Instinct
Unit 11
1 Text Personal Names
2 Testing Fast Reading
3 Home Reading Wine in American Life
Unit 12
1 Text Why People Work
2 Testing Fast Reading
3 Home Reading Working
Unit 13
1 Text Happiness (I)
2 Testing Fast Reading
3 Home Reading Happiness (11)
Unit 14
1 TextThe American Scholar (I)
2 Testing Fast Reading
3 Home Reading The American Scholar (11)
Unit 15
1 TextThe Chrysanthemums
2 Testing Fast Reading
3 Home Reading How Soon Can I Leave?
Sources of Reading Materials
