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作 者: 孙萍
出版社: 高等教育出版社
标 签: 大学英语

ISBN: 9787040178333 出版时间: 2006-03-01 包装: 简裝本
开本: 大16开 页数: 144 字数:  


  1.本教程的编写以《大学英语教学大纲[修订本]》和《大学英语课程教学要求[试行]》为依据。按照这两个文件关于大学英语各阶段(快速)阅读能力培养所做的定性定量要求,确定所选阅读材料的题材与体裁、长度与难度、数量与编排,等等。2.材料的选择注意思想性、知识性、趣味性、可读性。所选阅读材料应题材广泛、形式多样,其内容须思想健康,知识含量高,饶有情趣,耐人寻味,能牢牢吸引读者。3.阅读材料的语言规范标准、纯正地道,并兼收标准的英国英语和美国英语的材料。语言难度适中,生词量控制在3%以内。4.教程的编写要以有利于教与学为立足点,从框架结构的设计、单元的设立、课文的设置到练习的编写与安排,都要尽可能考虑教学的实际要求。5.根据循序渐进的原则,各册文章的篇幅与难度渐次递增。一、二册每篇250词至450词,三、四册450词至650词之间。6.练习不仅旨在检查学生对课文的理解,同时还帮助他们更好地应用有关阅读技巧,理解课文的重点与难点。结构设计:教程现分四册,供四个学期选用。按每学期18周计,每周一个单元,每册含18单元,每单元分Text A和Text B。在每册目录后第一单元前配“Introduction to Important Reading Skills”。本教程的编写采取“主题与技能”相结合的路径,即单元围绕内容的主题设置,练习针对所需掌握的阅读技能与所要求理解的文章内容设题。练习包括开放性问题、正误判断、多项选择、完成句子等四种。除第一种题型外,其余练习在书后配有参考答案。因此,每册教程基本结构如下:使用说明(前言)Introduction to Important Reading SkillsText AExerciseText BExerciseKey to Exercises本书为第4册。




Introduction to Important Reading Strategies and Skills
Unit One Learning
 Text A Learning and the Brain
 Text B Corporate Learning
Unit Two Employer and Employee Satisfaction
 Text A Telecommuting
 Text B Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation
Unit Three Social Problems
 Text A Workplace Violence is a Source of and Reaction to Stress
 Text B Police Handling of Gangs
Unit Four Strategies
 Text A What's the Best Way for Society to Work with the World at Large?
 Text B Effort and Strategy Use in Students with Learning Disabilities
Unit Five Traffic and Transportation
 Text A What's the Use?
 Text B Shifting Gears
Unit Six National and International Politics
 Text A Europe's Food Fight
 Text B Politics in America
Unit Seven New Technologies
 Text A New Technologies Create New Problems
 Text B A Thing Called Radar Wine
Unit Eight Competition
 Text A Knowledge-Based Competmon
 Text B The Benefit of Market Knowledge
Unit Nine Energy
 Text A Energy Sources and Uses
 Text B A Lot of Hot Air
Unit Ten Health
 Text A Sunshine Before Birth Could Be Crucial for Brain Development
 Text B New Data on Methylmercury and Fetuses
Unit Eleven Forest and Nature
 Text A Making Mincemeat out of the Rainforest
 Text B Tropical Forests
Unit Twelve Ecosystem
 Text A Can Ecosystems Be Restored?
 Text B From Industry Revolution to Environmental Revolution
Unit Thirteen Deserts
 Text A Deserts
 Text B Sahara: A Sea Without Water
Unit Fourteen Tourist Attractions
 Text A Grand Canyon National Park
 Text B Scotland's Royal Mile
Unit Fifteen Matters of Public Concern
 Text A Privacy, Neither Absolute Nor Highly Valued
 Text B American Society on Aging
Unit Sixteen Invention
 Text A Capturing an Image for All Time
 Text B The Root of All Economics
Unit Seventeen Environment
 Text A European Youth Face Environmental Hazards
 Text B Ozone, Naturally?
Unit Eighteen Living Species
 Text A Warming to Extinction
 Text B Cold-Water Corals Abound, As Do Threats
Answer Key
