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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语石油工程专业英语



定 价:¥25.00

作 者: 陈铁龙
出版社: 石油工业
标 签: 天然气


ISBN: 9787502154820 出版时间: 2006-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 256 字数:  






Unit 1 Introduction to Petroleum Industry
Part One Text
Introduction to Petroleum Industry
Part Two Exercises
Part Three Supplementary Reading
Health, Safety and Environment
Unit 2 Geology and Reservoir Traps
Part One Text
Geology and Reservoir Traps
Part Two Exercises
Part Three Supplementary Reading
Petroleum Engineers and Technologies
Unit 3 Crude Oil and Natural Gas
Part One Text
Crude Oil
Part Two Exercises
Part Three Supplementary Reading
Natural Gas
Unit 4 Properties of Reservoir Rock
Part One Text
Properties of Reservoir Rock
Part Two Exercise
Part Three Supplementary Reading
Reservoir Fluids and Pressure
Unit 5 Well Drilling
Part One Text
Part Two Exercises
Part Three Supplementary Reading
The Moment of Truth
Unit 6 Well Completion
Part One Text
Well Completion
Part Two Exercises
Part Three Supplementary Reading
Casing and Cementing
Unit 7 Production of Oil and Gas
Part OneText
Production of Oil and Gas
Part Two Exercises
Part Three Supplementary Reading
Rod Pump Selection and Design
Unit 8 Separation and Treatment
Part OneText
Separation and Treatment
Part Two Exercises
Part Three Supplementary Reading
Gas and Water Treatment
Unit 9 Well Testing
Part One Text
Well Testing
Part Two Exercises
Part Three Supplementary Reading
Test Procedures
Unit 10 Problem Well Analysis
Part One Text
Problem Well Analysis
Part Two Exercises
Part Three Supplementary Reading
Acidizing Methods
Unit 11 Enhanced Oil Recovery
Unit 12 Reservoir Simulation
Unit 13 Project Economics
Appendix:How to Write a Scientific Paper
