1 Analytic Preparations
1.1 Inner Product, Norm, and Orthogonality of Functions
1.2 The Gradient and Beltrami Operator
1.3 Spherical Integration and Orthogonal Transformations
2 Geometric Preparations
2.1 Basic Features of Convex Sets
2.2 Support Functions
2.3 Metrics for Sets of Convex Bodies
2.4 Mixed Volumes and Mean Projection Measures
2.5 Inequalities
2.6 Difference Bodies, Projection Bodies, Steiner Point, and Centroid
3 Fourier Series and Spherical Harmonics
3.1 From Fourier Series to Spherical Harmonics
3.2 Orthogonality, Completeness, and Series Expansions
3.3 Legendre Polynomials
3.4 Some Integral Transformations and the Funk-Hecke Theorem
3.5 Zonal Harmonics and Associated Legendre Functions
3.6 Estimates and Uniform Convergence
4 Geometric Applications of Fourier Series
4.1 A Proof of Hurwitz of the Isoperimetric Inequality
4.2 The Fourier Expansion of the Support Function
4.3 The Isoperimetric and Related Inequalities
4.4 Wirtinger''s Inequality
4.5 Rotors and Tangential Polygons
4.6 Other Geometric Applications of Fourier Series
5 Geometric Applications of Spherical Harmonics
5.1 The Harmonic Expansion of the Support Function
5.2 Inequalities for Mean Projection Measures and Mixed Volumes
5.3 The Isoperimetric Inequality
5.4 Wirtinger''s Inequality for Functions on the Sphere
5.5 Projections of Convex Bodies
5.6 Intersections of Convex Bodies with Planes or Half-Spaces
5.7 Rotors in Polytopes
5.8 Other Geometric Applications of Spherical Harmonics
List of Symbols
Author Index
Subject Index