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定 价:¥18.00

作 者: 暂缺
出版社: 复旦大学出版社
丛编项: 全国专业技术资格英语等级考试辅导教材
标 签: 科教工具书

ISBN: 9787309016734 出版时间: 1996-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32开 页数: 704 字数:  






     目 录
    前 言
   Lesson 1 A New Type of Advertisement
   Lesson 2 Dinner or Supper?
   Lesson 3 Nobel Prizes
   Lesson 4 Your Speech Is Changing
   Lesson 5 The World Cup
   Lesson 6 A Language for All-Esperanto
   Lesson 7 The Damage of Vitamin A to Pregnancy
   Lesson 8 Skin
   Lesson 9 Aristotle-The First Biologist
   Lesson 10 Words and Feelings
   Lesson 11 Memory Development
   Lesson 12 Why Waste Manpower?
   Lesson 13 The Tawny Lion Hotel
   Lesson 14 The Changing of Eating Habits
   Lesson 15 An Oil Spill in Northern Russia
   Lesson 16 Wave
   Lesson 17 Fresh Water from the Sea
   Lesson 18 Speeding
   Lesson 19 Energy from the Ocean
   Lesson 20 How Can Companies Increase Their
   Lesson 21 Why Conflicts Develop
   Lesson 22 An Intersting Traveller
   Lesson 23 Where Did the American War of
   Independence Start?
   Lesson 24 Christmas in England
   Lesson 25 Amount of Sleep
   Lesson 26 Aquaculture: New Hope for Food
   Lesson 27 Helicopter
   Lesson 28 My Air Travel Experience
   Lesson 29 My Education
   Lesson 30 Snail Fever
   Lesson 31 Seashells
   Lesson 32 How to Make Good Photographs
   Lesson 33 The Brain and the Computer
   Lesson 34 Henry Ford and the American
   Lesson 35 Avalanche
   Lesson 36 Silk and Its Manufacture
   Lesson 37 Modern Surgery
   Lesson 38 Evolution by Means of Natural Selection
   Lesson 39 How Does Television Influence
   Lesson 40 Types of Houses
   Lesson 41 Changes in the Eskimo Community
   Lesson 42 More Leisure Now
   Lesson 43 Caracas
   Lesson 44 Anthropology
   Lesson 45 Truck Driving: A Way of Life
   Lesson 46 Welcoming the New Year
   Lesson 47 Wasp
   Lesson 48 Combustion
   Lesson 49 A Linguistic Research
   Lesson 50 Rabies
   Lesson 51 Eye Contact
   Lesson 52 Time
   Lesson 53 Coronary Bypass
   Lesson 54 Respiration
   Lesson 55 Easy Does It !
   Lesson 56 Life on an American Campus
   Lesson 57 Always on Sundaes
   Lesson 58 See through Other Eyes
   Lesson 59 Man and His Social Behaviour
   Lesson 60 Life in Space
   Lesson 61 The American Celebration of the
   Christmas Season
   Lesson 62 Sensory Deprivation in Space
   Lesson 63 Making Leather
   Lesson 64 Farming Today
   Lesson 65 American Death Attitudes
   Lesson 66 Psychology
   Lesson 67 New York Botanist Wins Nobel Medical
   Lesson 68 Modern Astronomy
   Lesson 69 The Plain English Movement
   Lesson 70 Vitamins
   Lesson 71 The City of Winchester
   Lesson 72 'Choosing a Seat on a Plane
   Lesson 73 The History of Chemistry
   Lesson 74 Social Anxiety
   Lesson 75 Eat like a Peasant, Feel like a King
   Lesson 76 On Marriage
   Lesson 77 The Benefits of the Mass Media
   Lesson 78 Why Explore Space?
   Lesson 79 Secret Messages to Ourselves
   Lesson 80 The Practice of Forestry
   LessoB 81 Hard Life for Millionaires
   Lesson 82 Be Dependable, Punctual and Diligent
   Lesson 83 The Risks of Investment
   Lesson 84 At Your Service
   Lesson 85 Coping with Crises
   Lesson 86 Walking
   Lesson 87 Superstitions about Salt
   Lesson 88 The Informtion Age
   Lesson 89 Music in the Modern World
   Lesson 90 Measles Then and Now
   Lesson 91 The Fantasy of the Skyscraper
   Lesson 92 Verne's Vision of the 20th Century
   Lesson 93 To Meet the Needs of Gifted Children
   Lesson 94 Birth
   Lesson 95 Surgeons of the Future Will Be Robots
   Injected into Your Body
   Lesson 96 How to Keep Air Clean
   Lesson 97 Canning Food
   Lesson 98 Damage to the Soil
   Lesson 99 Antibiotics
   Lesson 100 Economics and Divorce
   Lesson 101 Painting
   Lesson 102 Computers for the Masses
   Lesson 103 Ecology: Rescuing the Environment
   Lesson 104 Electric Fish
   Lesson 105 The Movement of Winds
   Lesson 106 Paradox and Dream
   Lesson 107 Inflatioon, Deflation and the Redistribution
   of Income
   Lesson 108 Gun Control
   Lesson 109 There's More Life in a Fallen Tree
   than You Think
   Lesson 110 Health and Fitness
   Lesson 111 Family-Ties that Bind
   Lesson 112 Whales
   Lesson 113 Cultural Adjustment
   Lesson 114 Diamonds
   Lesson 115 Landscaping Yields a Havest of
   Lesson 116 Two Kinds of Football
   Lesson 117 Is a Race of Robots Possible?
   Lesson 118 Work Values
   Lesson 119 Nonverbal Communication
   Lesson 120 Caution: Road Hazards
   Appendix Key to Comprehension Questions and
   Additional Exercises
