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Effective Writing:Teacher's Manual and Answer Key

Effective Writing:Teacher's Manual and Answer Key

定 价:¥4.30

作 者: 暂缺
出版社: World Publishing Corp
标 签: 电脑网络

ISBN: 9787506211406 出版时间: 1991-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 82 字数:  


暂缺《Effective Writing:Teacher's Manual and Answer Key》简介


暂缺《Effective Writing:Teacher's Manual and Answer Key》作者简介


    1 Formal and informal letters
    1.1 Organizingideas
    1.2 Relating ideas: linking words and phrases
    1.3 Showing attitude
    1.4 Using reportingwords
    1.5 Writing first and last sentences
    1.6 Comparingtexts: organizing
    1.7 Punctuating: apostrophes and capital letters
    1.8 Practicingwritingletters
    2 Writing a story
    2.1 Organizingidcas
    2.2 Relating ideas: linking words and phrase
    2.3 Using reporting words
    2.4 Writing first and last sentcnces
    2.5 Comparing texts: sentcnce conneclions
    2.6 Wnting text based on a visua'
    2.7 Punctuating: quotation marks
    2.8 Practicing writing stories
    3 Reports
    3.1 Organizing ideas
    3.2 Relating ideas: linking words and phrases
    3.3 Writingfirstparagraphs
    3.4 Using reporting words
    3.5 Selecting and ordering information
    3.6 Wriring text based on a conversation
    3.7 Comparingtexts
    3.8 Writing text based on visual information
    3.9 Punctuating: commas
    3.10 Practicing wriring reports
    4 Articles
    4.1 Organizingideas
    4.2 Relating ideas: linking words and phrases
    4.3 Writing first and last paragraphs
    4.4 Selecting and ordering information
    4.5 Writing an article based on a conversation
    4.6 Writuig an article hased on visuai information
    4.7 Adding ex'arnpies and derails
    4.8 Punct'uaating: commas, periods, and semicolons
    4.9 PraCticing writing arricles
    5 Instructions
    5.1 Organizing'deas
    5.2 Using reporting words
    5.3 Writingpaiagraphs
    5.4 Comparingrexts: organization
    5.5 Writing texr based on visual information
    5.6 Writing text: based on a conversation
    5.7 Punctuating: commas and periods
    5.8 Practicing writing instructions
    6 Business letters and memos
    6.1 Organizing ideas
    6.2 Rdlating ideas: linking words and phrases
    6.3 Using reporting words
    6.4 Writing firsr and last paragraphs
    6.5 Comparing rexrs
    6.6 Writing letters based on visual information
    6.7 Punctuating: colons, semicolons, and commas
    6.8 Practicing writing business letters and memos
    7 Stating an opinion 1
    7.1 Organizing ideas
    7.2 Relaring ideas: linking words and phrases
    7.3 Showing attitude
    7.4 Comparing texts: firstparagraphs
    7.5 Writing an essay based on a conversation
    7.6 Wriring an essay based 011 visual information
    7.7 Addingexamples and details
    7.8 Debatingissues
    7.9 Punctuating: when and when not to
    7.10 Practicing writing opinion essays
    8 Stating an opinion ii
    8.1 Organizing ideas
    8.2 Relaring ideas: linking words and phrase
    8.3 Showingattitude
    8.4 Writing first and iasr paragraphs
    8.5 Selecting and ordenng information
    8.6 Comparing texts
    8.7 Adding examples and details
    8.8 Deharingissues
    8.9 Puncruating: when and when not to
    8.10 Practicing wnring opinion essays
