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定 价:¥20.00

作 者: 浩瀚/王勇/王蓓
出版社: 中国书籍出版社
丛编项: 轻松迈过英语关
标 签: 外语学习

ISBN: 9787506809320 出版时间: 2001-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32开 页数: 441 字数:  






a little(of)
a lot (of)
a multitude of
(be)about to (do)
adapt to
add up to
(be)afraid of
agree on
agree to
all but
all over
all the same
answer for
anything but
as a matter of fact
as a result
as far as
as follows
as if
as long as
as regards
as to
as well as
as yet
at a loss
at all
at hand
at heart
at home
at intervals
at large
at last
at most
at sb.'s disposal
back and forth
back down(off)
begin with
break away(rfom)
break down
break in
break off
break through
bring forward
bring out
bring to
but for
by all means
by courtesy of
by far
by means of
by oneself
by the way
by virtue of
by way of
call for
call off
call on
call for
carry into effect
carry on
carry out
cast light on
catch on
carry on
carry out
cast light on
catch on
catch one's breath
catch sight of
check in
check out
cheer up
clear up
come into effect
come into operation
come off
come on
come out
come round
come through
come to
come to the point
come true
come up to
complain ab about conscious of
consist of
correspond with
count on
cover up
cut back
cut down
cut in
cut off
cut out
deal in
deal with
die down
do one's best to
do without
