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定 价:¥23.00

作 者: 曾宪宇 编辑
出版社: 北京航空航天大学出版社
标 签: 外语学习


ISBN: 9787810129046 出版时间: 1999-10-01 包装: 精装
开本: 16开 页数: 258 字数:  






   Key to Exercise
   Unit One Directions
    Section 1
    Part 1 How Can 1 Get to Your House?(Supplementary Reading)
    Part 2 What Did You Do Last Night?
    Section 2
    Part 1 Finding a Garage(Supplementary Reading)
    Part 2 Working Out How to Get Downtown(Supplementary Reading)
    Section 3
    Part 1 Can You Tell Me the Way, Please?
    Part 2 Where Are They Going?
   Unit Two Descriptions
    Section 1
    Part 1 At the Youth Club
    Part 2 Has Anyone Seen This Person?
    Section 2
    Part 1 What Did She Look Like?
    Part 2 What Did He Look Like?
    Section 3
    Part 1 Who Are They?
    Part 2 What Kind of Person Is He?
    Part 3 Could You Describe Them?
    (Supplementary Speaking)
    (Supplementary Reading)
    Section 4
    Part 1 Which One is It?
    Part 2 Could You Describe It to Me, Please?
    Section 5
    Part 1 Animals
    (Supplementary Writing)
   Unit Three Positions
    Section 1
    Part 1 I'm Interested in Buying a Car
    (Supplementary Speaking)
    Part 2 Which One' s Peter?
    Section 2
    Part 1 How Are You Going to Decorate and Fumish the Kitchen?
    Part 2 Where Shall 1 Put It?
    Section 3
    Part 1 Where Shall We Meet?
    Part 2 WhereIsRoom 4?
    Section 4
    Part 1 We've Got a House for You
    Part 2 This Is the House
    Section 5
    Part 1 The Seaview Hotel
    Part 2 George Square
   Unit Four Accommodation
    Section 1
    Part 1 Finding Somewhere to Live
    Part 2 A Roof over Your Head
    Part 3 Apartment Hunting
    (Supplementary Reading)
    Section 2
    Part 1 The New Student
    Part 2 Anything Interesting in the Paper Today?
    (Supplementary Reading)
    Section 3
    Part 1 Advice
    Part 2 The Apartment
    Section 4
    Part 1 This Is What We Want
    Part 2 The Past and the Present
    (Supplementary Reading)
    Section 5
    Part 1 Looking for a Quiet Accommodation
    Part 2 Advertisements
    Section 6
    Part 1 Apartment Problems
    Part 2 A Neglected House
    (Supplementary Reading)
   Unit Five Travel (1)
    Section 1
    Part 1 At a Travel Agency
    Part 2 Calling a Travel Agency
    Part 3 Package Holidays
    Section 2
    Part 1 1 Want to Fly to Hamburg
    Part 2 Can You Tell Me the Times of the Trains to Newcastle?
    Part 3 At a Ticket Window
    Section 3
    Part 1 Airport Announcements
    Part 2 May 1 Have Your Attention, Please?
    Part 3 How to Get a British Passport?
    (Supplementary Reading)
    Section 4
    Part 1 At the Check-in Counter
    Part 2 Go Through the Security Check
    part 3 Coming Through Immigration
    Section 5
    Part 1 At the Customs (1)
    Part 2 At the Customs (2)
    Part 3 Have You Anything to Declare?
    (Supplementary Reading)
    Section 6
    Part 1 Reserving Hotel Accommodation
    Part 2 I'd Like a Room, Please.
    Part 3 Recommending Hotels for a Holiday
    (Supplementary Reading)
   UnitSix Travel(2)
    Section 1
    Part 1 Do You Like Travelling?
    Part 2 You Can Imagine How We Felt
    (Supplementary Reading)
    Section 2
    Part 1 A Good Experience
    Part 2 A Camping Holiddy
    Section 3
    Part 1 Travel Troubles
    Part 2 Advice from Experts
    Section 4
    Part 1 Jet Lag
    (Supplementary Reading)
    Part 2 How Did You Get Around?
    (Supplementary Exercises)
    Section 5
    Part 1 The Best Way to Travel
    Part 2 Plans about Visiting Canberra
    Section 6
    Part 1 Presenting Tour Packages
    Part 2 Talking about a Holiday
    Section 7
    Part 1 The Man Who Missed the Plane
    Part 2 Planning a Holiday
   Unit Seven Announcements
    Section 1
    Part 1 Airport Announcements (1)
    Part 2 Airport Announcements (2)
    Part 3 Airport Announcements (3)
    Part 4 Announcements for Air Passengers
    Part 5 In-flight Announcements
    Section 2
    Part 1 At the Railway Station
    Part 2 Announcement in a Bus
    Part 3 Announcements for Sea Travelers
    Section 3
    Part 1 Radio Announcements
    Part 2 Public Announcements
    Part 3 Broadcast Announcements
    Section 4
    Part 1 Announcement at a Meeting
    Part 2 Announcement for Advertisement
   Unit Eight Transportation
    Section 1
    Part 1 Hiring a Car
    Part 2 At the Petrol Station
    Part 3 Getting about by Train(Supplementary Reading)
    Section 2
    Part 1 You Mustn't Talk to Me While I'm Driving
    Part 2 lAma Very ImportantMan (1)
    Part 3 1 Am a Very Important Man (2)
    (Supplementary Reading)
    Section 3
    Part 1 Letter to the Editor
    Part 2 Everyday Experiences
    Part 3 Judy in a Jam
    (Supplementary Reading)
    Section 4
    Part 1 Back-seat Driving
    Part 2 One Man' s Work
    Part 3 Likes and Dislikes
    (Supplementary Reading and Speaking)
    Section 5
    Part 1 When Did It Happen?
    Part 2 Drunk Driver
    Part 3 Hit and Run
    (Supplementary Speaking and Reading)
    Section 6
    Part 1 Transport Facilities
    Part 2 Not the End, But the Beginning
    Part 3 The Difficulties Facing British Rail
    (Supplementary Reading)
   Unit Nine Jobs
    Section 1
    Part 1 Finding Job Resources
    (Supplementary Reading)
    Part 2 Reading Newspaper Job Ads
    (Supplementary Reading)
    Part 3 Using Telephone Book Yellow Pages
    (Supplementary Reading)
    Section 2
    Part 1 A New Job
    Part 2 Ringing about Ad. for an Accountant
    (Supplementary Reading)
    Section 3
    Part 1 Richard Gets a New Job
    Part 2 An Interview for a Job
    (Supplementary Reading)
    Section 4
    Part 1 Unemployment
    Part 2 I'm Not Very Pleased with You
    (Supplementary Reading)
    Section 5
    Part 1 Part-time Work in Britain
    Part 2 Job Outlook
    (Supplementary Reading)
    Section 6
    Part 1 How to Manage to Get an Interview
    Part 2 What Are Suitable Replies?
    (Supplementary Reading)
   Unit Ten Newscast
    Section 1 VOA News in Special English (1)
    Part 1 The Top Political Adviser
    Part 2 The Explosion
    Part 3 Humanitarian Assistance
    Part 4 The Nation's Presidential Election
    Section 2 VOA News in Special English (2)
    Part 1 Weather News
    Part 2 Investigations about the Bombing
    Part 3 Food Poisoning
    Part 4 Air Crash
    Section3 VOA News in Standard English (1)
    Part1 Moving Troops
    Part2 Economic Sanctions Against Iraq
    (Supplementary Reading)
    Part3 The Clashes
    (Supplementary Reading)
    Part4 Summit Meeting
    Section4 VOA News in Standard English (2)
    Part1 Negotiation Between Russia and Chechnya
    Part2 Oil Spill
    Part3 Food Aid
    Part4 The Bombing Case
    Sectino5 BBC English News (1)
    Part1 General Elections
    Part2 Things are Getting Better
    Part3 Food Aid
    Part4 About Single Currency
    Section6 BBC English news (2)
    Part1 On The Currency Market
    Part2 The Deadlock was Broken
    Part3 Britain Goes Metric
    Part4 Local Radio Programme
