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定 价:¥48.60

作 者: 王甫
出版社: 外文出版社
标 签: 家庭保健

ISBN: 9787119016740 出版时间: 1994-01-01 包装: 精装
开本: 16开 页数: 120 字数:  


  Tuina is a simple therapy which uses neither medicine nor medical devices, but uses various massage techniques to stimulate the body to regulate the bodily functions and eliminate path- ogenic factors. Originating in China tuina therapy has now been adopted in many countries around the world. The author of Ch'mese Tuina Therapy Wang Fu has a relationship with traditional Chinese medicine since his early years. When he was twenty years old, he became seriously ill. The medicine to cure his illness caused a hearing loss in both ears. At that time, he resolved to be a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. Because his deafness proved to be a hindrance in consul- tation and diagnosis, he resolved to learn mas- sage therapy. Because of perseverance in study and boldness in exploration and practice, he ulti- mately became a well-known masseur. He first served as a masseur in the Hospital Attached to the Liaoning College of Traditional Chinese Med- icine and later was responsible for Chinese Med- icine of Liaoning magazine. The present book is a summary of his medical experiences during his professional career. The book includes thirty tuina manipulations and twenty-nine therapies for common diseases.




   Chapter One General Introduction
    I. History of Tuina Therapy
    II. The Basic Theory of Tuina Therapy
    1. Origin of Tuina Therapy
    2. The Theoretical Foundation of Tuina Therapy
    3. Commonly-Used Meridians, Points and Their Indications
    .II. Indications and Contraindications of Tuina Therapy
    1. Indications
    2. Contraindications, Precautions and Commonly-Used Points
   Chapter Two Thirty Maneuvers of Tuina Therapy
    I. Manipulations and Effects
    II. Reinforcing and Reducing Manipulations
    III. Thirty Maneuvers of Tuina Therapy
    1. Stroking Maneuver
    2. Pushing Maneuver
    3. Grasping Maneuver
    4. Pressing Maneuver
    5. Palm-rubbing Maneuver
    6. Rotatory Kneading Maneuver
    7. Twisting Maneuver
    8. Flicking Maneuver
    9. Finger-rubbing Maneuver
    10. Pick-up Maneuver
    11. Pinching Maneuver
    12. Rubbing Maneuver
    13. Rolling Maneuver
    14. Shaking Maneuver
    15. Gripping Maneuver
    16. Rotating Maneuver
    17. Tapping Maneuver
    18. Stretching Maneuver
    19. Percussing Maneuver
    20. Puncturing Maneuver
    21. Separating Maneuver
    22. Joining Maneuver
    23. Back-carrying Maneuver
    24. Holding Maneuver
    25. Pulling Maneuver
    26. Kneading Maneuver
    27. Head-lifting Maneuver
    28. Raising Maneuver
    29. Lifting Maneuver
    30. Stepping Maneuver
   Chapter Three The Tuina Treatment of Commonly Encountered Disorders
    I. Disorders of the Head and Face
    1. Headache
    2. Toothache
    3. Facial Paralysis
    4. Insomnia
    II. Disorders of the Neck
    1. Stiffneck
    2. Cervical Spondylopathy
    III. Periarthritis of the Shoulder
    IV. Pain of the Upper Limbs
    1. Brachialgia
    2. Numbness and Pain of the Fingers
    3. Tenosynovitis
    V. Hypertension
    VI. Coronary Heart Disease
    VII. Hemiplegia
    VIII. Abdominal Disorders
    1. Stomach Pain
    2. Abdominal Pain
    3. Gastroptosis
    IX. Lumbocrural Pain
    1. Discussion of Lumbocrural Pain
    2. Acute Traumatic Lumbago
    3. Prolapse of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc
    4. Lower Back Pain Due to Kidney Deficiency
    5. Sequela of Fracture of the Coccyx
    6. Foot and Ankle Sprains
    X. Rheumatoid Arthritis
    XI. Gynecological Diseases
    1. Dysmenorrhea
    2. Mastitis
    3. Climaeteric Syndrome
    XII. Miscellaneous Diseases
    1. Obesity
    2. Constipation
    3. Incontinence of Urine
    4. Artenosclerotic Senility
    5. Tympanites Due to Stagnation of Qi
