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当前位置: 首页出版图书经济管理管理企业管理中瑞固体废物管理学术会议论文集:英文



定 价:¥82.00

作 者: 刘遂庆/等 编辑
出版社: 同济大学出版社
标 签: 企业管理

ISBN: 9787560820958 出版时间: 1999-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 202 字数:  






   1 Waste management and research in Switzerland
   Samuel Stucki
   2 Prevention and control of solid waste pollution in Shanghai
   Deng Hualong and Sun Shunlai
   3. Waste management systems from concept to implementation
   Charles Keller
   4 Solid waste management for large cities
   Chen Shaowei Zhang Fangmei and Zhao Feng
   5 Waste management in the city of Zurich-a case study
   M Lenwnn
   6 The feasibility study for the collection of munidpal solid waste disposal fee
   in Shanghai
   Shi Qingwen and Yao Ying
   7 Waste management and infonnation
   Lic phil l Anita Barbara Enz
   8 Comparison of strategies and regulations on hazardous wastes between European
   Union and China
   Wang Qiang Jiang Huaitang and Shen Qiang
   9 Sustainable management of municipal solid waste
   Hasan Belevi
   10 The tentative plan of municipal bulky solid waste collection transportation and
   treatment in Shanghai
   Tang Jiaju, Zhang Minghao and Shi Qingwen
   ll European-Swiss standard of landfill construction and research
   P Amann
   12 The primary discussions of waste source management
   Zhu Hong Tang Jiafu and Zhang Zhiqiang
   13 Municipal solid waste incineration-flue gas and ash treatment
   Aldo Jakob
   14 Comparison of cleaning process for municipal solid waste incineration flue gas
   Jiao Xuejun
   15 From waste to energy-recycling technology for munidpal solid waste for
   the production of solid waste fuel and compost
   CERM Anlagenbau Ltd
   16 Indneration of municipal solid waste and hazardous waste
   Jorg C. Engweiler
   17 Advanced technology for the thennal treatment of munidpal solid waste
   Hans Kunstler
   18 Study of determination method for per capita output of residential house refuse
   in Shanghai
   Zhang Lina
   19 Research projects in recycling
   Martin Brunner
   20 Circulation of leachate in lysimeters
   Xu Dimin
   21 Compacting tedmique of refuse on loose foundation in landfill
   Lu Zhengnung and Huang Renhua
   22 Landfilling tedmique of refuse with high moisture on the loose foundation
   Zhao Aihua and Lu Zhengmmg
   23 Digestion of municipal solid waste after medianical separation
   Arther Wellinger
   24 Total waste management and landfilling: optimizing emissions energy
   utilization and costs
   Heinrich Widmer
   25 Long-term prediction of leachate concentrations in Shanghai Refuse Landfill
   Zhao Youcai Huang Renhua Zhao Aihua and Lu Zhengming
