UNIT 1 Simple Present:Habits,Routines,and Facts
UNIT 2 Present Progressive and Simple Present:Actions and States
UNIT 3 Talking about the Future:Be Going To and Will
Exercises for the TOEFL Test,Units 1-3
UNIT 4 Asking Questions:Yes/No,Wh-,Tag,Choice Questions
UNIT 5 Modals of Probability and Possibility
UNIT 6 Past Progressive and Simple Past with Time Clauses:When,While,and As Soom As
Exercises for the TOEFL Test,Units4-6
UNIT 7 Similarities and Differences:Comparatives,Superlatives,As..As,Not As..As
UNIT 8 Measure Words and Quantifiers
UNIT 9 Degree Complements TOO,Enough,and Very
Exercises for the TOEFL Test,Units7-9
UNIT 10 Giving Advice and Expressing Opinions:Should,Ought To,Need To,Must ,Had Better,Could,and Might
UNIT 11 Modals of Necessity and Prohibition:Have To/Have Got To,Do Not Have To,Must/Must Not,Cannot
UNIT 12 Expressing Like and Dislikes
Exercises for the TOEFL Test,Units10-12
UNIT 13 Present Perfect with Since and For
UNIT 14 Present Perfect and Simple Past:Ever and Never,Already and Yet
UNIT 15 Present Perfect Progressive
Exercises for the TOEFL Test,Units13-15
UNIT 16 Making Offers with Would You Like
UNIT 17 Requests and Permission:Can,Could,Will,Would,and May
UNIT 18 Used to with Still and Anymore
Exercises for the TOEFL Test,Units16-18
UNIT 19P ast Perfect:Before and After
UNIT 20 Articles:The,A/An,Some and
UNIT 21 Articles with Names of Places
Exercises for the TOEFL Test,Units19-21
UNIT 22 The Passive
UNIT 23 Phrasal Verbs
UNIT 24 Adjective Clauses and Participles as Adjectives
UNIT 25 Conditionals
Exercises for the TOEFL Test,Units22-25